Chapter 6 Psychopath Alert!!!

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Hye beautiful readers:) yes I'm talking about u gorgeous. Thank u for the vote and comment u guys. U people really inspired me to make Ben totally go nuts. That would be so sweet.

Shout out to camearshy90 for making the chapters tittle. U go girl...or boy;).

Edward Dawson

         After my failed attempt at suicide, my parents stick around more often. Mom would come home earlier and make dinner whereas dad would never missed it. They started talking to me...asking about school and friends. I try my best to answer their question without sounding pathetic. But I didn't tell them about Ben. If my mom knew then he would told Ben's mom. Since Ben's mom is my mom assistant, the fact that she'll eventually know and get me into trouble, bothers me...a lot.

After I had been released from the hospital, every now and then, Ben would climb through my window and came to sleep beside me. What freaks me out even more is that he doesn't do anything. He just laid there behind me with his arm wrapped around my waist and hold me tightly. I was too scared to even move an inch.

Sometimes he would told me what happen at school while I've been gone. What the football team do that day and this is the part where I just think in my more of a repulse person can he be. He tells me all about the girl his been flirting  which I really don't care but being me, I didn't say a word and just listen. Its okay though, I usually pass out when he was half way through the story.

I can't keep on going like this. Who am I kidding. I'm totally scared that Ben would kill me and I won't have the days to live my life. But what the hell am I supposed to do? How do I get rid of him? 

       Sooner or later I know I have to go back to that hellhole. Heavenly Bee is a small town. I'm sure the word that I tried to kill myself would spread around here like the wind and of course I was right. When I came into the hall everyone set their eyes on me and whisper to each other. I just walked through the crowd to my locker and take out the books that I need.

I guess Ben had felt sorry because his been treating me well this past few days. Not throwing punches or kick me to the ground or try to fake slice a paper through my neck when I'm doing his shitty homework. Nothing.

I get to the first class and it's history. I walk to my table besides Ned. One of my nerd friends. But I know they don't actually like me or consider me as their friend. They're too scared of Ben too be doing that.

''Hey." I said. Ned lift his glasses between his eyes and just smiles at me. I take a seat and took out my pen and notebook. Ready for whatever we're going to be learning today.

''I heard about what happen. I'm sorry dude. It must've been really hard for you."

''Nah, its nothing. I guess we all just make bad choices sometimes."

''Yeah...I guess we do."

Like any other days, I don't pay attention to the teachers. Its not that I don't want too it's just that I can't. Trust me I've tried. Something was bothering inside of me that I can't quite figure it out myself. Its keeping me on edge and my gut is telling me that today is gonna be one of those awful days where I got beat up and left to be hurt by myself.

Or it could just be me.

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