Chapter 23 The Right Way to Love Someone

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When you love someone so hard and so fierce,

It was all right to do the things that you knew were wrong...

       To the extend of pain.

       To the extend of pain.

       To the extend of pain.

       To love him

       To the extend of pain.

     "Ben!!! Stop!!! Please...!!!"

    His hand, hang and tied to the ceiling. His legs barely reach the ground as his naked body was hang into air.

"Stop...stop..." Edward said as the word that came out of his mouth were barely heard. His eyes open and closed in a rapid motion as his breathing weakened.

Being whip like there is no kindness left in this world, like there is no salvation for his life was in fact a true meaning of a miserable life. Edward was in a state of a threatening death and there was nothing he can do to save his own life.

"Why?" Eddie whispers were as faint as it comes.

"Don't ask stupid question Eddie. Of course it's because I love you and I will never, ever, not in a million years will let you go." Ben voice echo through the room and the loudness of it make his voice so evil that it can be considered that Benjamin is Lucifer himself.

" you don't..."

Benjamin laughed at Eddie's attempt of denial.

"Oh babe...if only you know how I feel about you."


He swing his right arm holding the long black rubber whip to Edward's body. The action resulted in a long line of red traces on Eddie's naked back. Then, there's also some more on his bottom, his stomach, his legs and thigh. It accompany his line of body perfectly. least it looks beautiful to Benjamin.

What could be more romantic and sexy than this? Ben think to himself.

"Fuck're so, so, so beautiful. It turn me on so much."

Benjamin whispers the word to Eddie's ear as his hand trace Eddie's body and grab his ass hard.

The pain stings and Eddie is numb on any contact at the moment. He can't feel, he can't see nor can he breath properly. What Benjamin is doing was sucking his soul from his body and he would gladly die in this moment than to have to go through the pain that the world have in store for him.

Benjamin could see the weakness in Eddie's eyes and cut the rope with the dagger on the table beside. As soon as the rope break, Ben caught Eddie's naked body in his arm and hold tight. He spread Eddie's leg so it would wrap around his waist and he grab Eddie's ass to carry him to bed.

He slowly place Eddie on the bed with him hovering on top. At the time, Eddie was far from consciousness. As he lay on top of Eddie, Ben look at Eddie. Really look. His eyes traces from Eddie's forehead to his chin till the end of his toes. He think of how structure and organize everything is. How soft and smooth Eddie's skin is.

God, he love this boy. He love him so much that obsessing would be an understatement.

"I want you babe. I really do."

Ben whisper to Eddie as he placed his forehead on top of Eddie's. He whisper sweet words that could warm his heart. He caressed Edward's body, up and down until the touch is fair with his skin.

What happen back there was a necessary needs. He needed that and he had always want it. Call him crazy but that's just his way of loving Eddie. No one can understand that except him.

This is not the only thing that human can't understand. There's a lot of things in this world that is far from human understanding and Benjamin love for Edward just happen to be one of them.


      Eddie were sitting on the porch in front of his house, he guess. He was holding some piece of clothing and it seems that his knitting them. Well, that's just weird.

Eddie look around the house and somehow it seems familiar to him. Its like his been there before but he can't really recall anything.

Just when his in his own state of mind, a boy run towards him. The little blond hair and blue eyed boy hug his knee and proceed to climb and sit on his lap. He have a brown teddy bear and clown in his hand. Eddie automatically pat the boy's head and kiss his cheeks. Is he my son?

This is a very strange dream. He doesn't know what's happening but still his body react and move on its own.


A man called the boy from a far and when Eddie look up to the voice, a man with handsome feature and strong build were walking towards them. His dimples were deep and his black hair shines like the night.

The man smile like his the most happiest man in the world and suddenly, Eddie's heart were warm and he could literally feel sparks flying. It sparks just like when you saw someone you love. The feelings were so incredible that Eddie put Bobby down and ran towards the man even though he doesn't really know him. As a matter of fact, he don't know the man at all but still, he love the man with all his might.

Eddie hug the tall and gorgeous man and they kiss. It was a passionate kiss. They kiss like there's nothing else in this hole wide world. With the man tongue invading Eddie's mouth and the tight grip Eddie had on the man, they look like they were about to lose it right there and then.

Eddie back away from the kiss to catch his breath and when he did, the man look at him with an intense look that only lovers for life can give to each other.

"I love you honey." The man gave a genuine smile that could surely melt any human's heart.

"I love you too. Always." Eddie smile back at the man and peck him on the lips.

"Bobby come on now. We have to go."

The man call the little boy who were standing on the porch.  Bobby's face brighten when the man called him. Eddie look at the man confused.

"Where are we going?"

"Not we honey, just us, me and Bobby."

"What about me?" Eddie can feel his chest tighten and it was getting a little bit harder to breath.

The man didn't answered Eddie's question but only took the boy hand and smile.

"Eddie...I want you to know that no matter what happen, you will never be alone and it seems that we can't be together in this life but I promise I'll find you in the next one."

With that the man walk away with Bobby.

"Bye bye momma." Bobby wave and giggled at Eddie.

Eddie wail and cry for them but as if they can't hear him, they keep on walking. Eddie drop to the ground. He try to walk and catch them before its too late but his legs were glued to the earth as if a strong forces forbid him from moving. His heart crushes from the pain in his heart and it hurt. Even death would not have hurt so much.

Death would be bearable and quick.

But this, this corrupted his mind and heart and for sure there is no other way for him to live just so he could suffer this.

God, help me.

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