Chapter 26 A Miracle To Escape From Your Love

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"Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity. The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.

Tommorow, when resurrection comes, the heart that is not in love will fail the test."


Edward Dawson

      His hand still gripping the collar on my neck and his eyes raked all over my face. I turn to look at Ben slowly and recognize the dangerous and rotten soul this man possess.

"What happen to you?" I whisper in tears. It was clear that something had gone wrong with Ben and suddenly, out of no where, I wanted to know why.

Why he turn out the way he is.

Why would he keep me from everybody.

Is it because he had no one?

Is it because his afraid of losing me?

I almost felt sympathy for him but then I realized no matter what the reason is, what he was doing is wrong.

Dead illegal.

"Don't ask stupid question Eddie. I've told you for the thousandth time, I love you. That's all that is to happen."

Ben's voice was deep and dark as he hold resentment in his eyes. But still, I don't believe him.

    Love is another fake and repulse reason he kept me here.

"Please don't do this?" I beg even if I knew it was a useless thing to do.

"Do what? You mean this?"

Ben's hand trailed down from my neck to my shoulders and the movement doesn't stop until he reach my ass and squeeze it so hard, it felt painfully good.

      I try to resist the urge to let out a moan. Five minutes ago this guy just put on some fucking deadly collar that could break my head in half if I leave the house and now his gonna fuck me? I did mention his a psychopath so what's the surprises in that.

     His hand were still traveling through my body and I could only just let him do whatever he wants. If I even try to resist, his gonna hang and whip me again

     Ben bring his body closer to mine as he trace my jawline and neck with his nose. I can feel him taking in my scent here and there like a dog sniffing. I try to look elsewhere and just be prepared to be force into something horrendous but it seems that the only thing that I could look at is the outside. The door were wide open.  Its dark and so were my life.

     Ben bring his hand down and went inside my shorts. He grabs my member and start to stroke it slowly. It's good, I gave him that but at the same time I had this nauseas feelings. I wasn't able to stand till because of it so I push Ben chest a little bit.

    He didn't budge but instead, he force my head to face his and his eyes connect with mine. While his stroking my he forces me to look him the eyes. I couldn't. Its pleasurable but still, I close my eyes and went through it. Just like I always had.

      But nevertheless his intense and lustful stare never left my whole demeanor.


          I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I've been through another force fucking. The same gesture applied but only the feelings left differently. I felt so pathetic that I can't even feel great about it. But still, is it forcing if I let him do whatever he wants?

         I don't know. All I know is that I don't like it. At the moment, my definition of pleasure and liking it is two very different things.

     Just when my eyes began to close and drift off to sleep I hear a buzzing sound on the floor. I search for the odd sound and realize its coming from the floor. I tilted my head a little bit to see a faint of light coming from Ben's jeans.


Oh my god!!!

I slowly turn to look at Ben but it seems that his in deep slumber as he sleep facing the other way.

I slowly lift my body up from the bed. Careful not to make any sound or let the bed move. I try to reach the phone as careful as possible. This could be my only chance to escape. My only chance to ever break free.

God help me.

       When I reach the jeans I slowly reach for the phone. I pull it out and press on the power. I slide to unlock and thank goodness, Benjamin didn't put any kind of password in. How could've I not know that Ben owns a fucking phone. All those time that his been sleeping, I should've search my way around instead of just whining about everything like a coward. I'm so stupid.

     The first thing I did is I called the police. 911, yes...shocker. But wait I can't make any noise.


     Eventhough I know they wouldn't care so much I still gotta try. If I don't, then I'll be damned to stay here forever. So I silent the phone and open the camera. I took a selfie and went back to messaging. I put my picture on with the caption


After a few minutes, after I make sure the text is send I deleted it to make sure that Benjamin won't see it later. I crossed my finger and hope for a miracle that somehow, just somehow that they would find where ever I am.

A miracle that I could escape the only person who can love me unconditionally but still  kill me at the same time.

A miracle to escape from Benjamin Evan.

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