Chapter 24 Save Me For You

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I don't possess these thought I have, they possess me...

I don't possess this feelings I have, they obsess me...

      Eddie open his eyes in shock as the dream had him hanging. He touch his wet cheeks. He had been crying in his sleep and to make matters worse, the feelings lingered. The feeling of losing something. When it struck him so hard about his condition, he cries again but this time, quietly. He is sleeping on his right and Benjamin's hand is holding him tight by the waist. Their legs entangled.

His naked body were warmed by Ben shirtless one and he could feel Benjamin breath on the back of his neck. Ben light snores and the quiet surrounding of the room calm him. He can barely remembered what had happen to him. The pain and sting on his body recall him to the incident where Benjamin had hang and tortured him but strangely, he doesn't feel anything. No hatred, no compulsive feelings towards Ben.

He felt nothing.

Not even the slightest. But then, that's just because his tired.

Eddie were still crying and sobbing. This feelings were scaring him and he needed some kind of comfort. Be it it's from the one person who cause it in the first place. The one to be blame for all of these.

"Ben." Eddie turn towards Benjamin as he lightly shake Ben's arm and sniff his wet nose.

"Ben. Wake up, please."

He tried again, whispering. Ben stirred for a moment and finally open his eyes when he felt a movement.

He rub his tired eyes and tighten his hold on Eddie.

"What's wrong?" He ask not really noticing Eddie's condition. When he didn't hear a reply, Ben look at Eddie and he could see that Eddie's eyes were puff red from crying.

"What happen? Why are you crying?" Benjamin ask worriedly.

"I'm scare Ben. I'm so scared."
Eddie's voice trembled from the word.

"Sshhh...its okay. I'm here, I got you."

Ben hold Eddie in his arm as they held each other in a tight embrace. Eddie's sobbing were getting louder and he cry as much as possible.

He cried like this would be the last time. He cried like Benjamin is the only person he have in this whole wide world. He cried as his insanity slowly escaped.


         Benjamin throw his graduation cap along with the others. Today mark the day of the end of high school. Some people would be happy and some would be dissapointed but for Benjamin, his ecstatic. He can now spent 24/7 with Eddie and that would make him the happiest man in this world.

Given the fact that Eddie have slowly learn to accept his love. Even though he always cry in his sleep which Ben though was normal, Eddie is now belong to him.

Just when his about to get in the car with his friend, someone call him from behind. Benjamin stop and turn around only to find Officer Steve jogging towards him.

'Shit! This guy again'

Benjamin yelled to himself.

"Yo Benjy! Get in." One of his teammates shout.

"Hold on. I gotta handle this." He close the car door and lean on it.

Officer Steve slow his pace as he slowly reached Benjamin.


"Thanks. Can I help you with anything?" Benjamin asked clearly annoyed.

"Woah...I don't mean to ruin your mood Ben."

Ben ignored Officer Steve remarks and look away.

"So...what are your plans after this?"

"Don't know yet. Maybe stick around I guess."

"And do what?"

Ben look at Officer Steve as the man had question him as if his desicion was a ridiculous thing to do.

"None of your business."
Ben spat.

Officer Steve hold his arm up in surrender when succeed in making Benjamin angry.

"Well...I was just letting you know that we found Eddie."

As soon as the word left Officer's Steve mouth, Ben spring his head upward.

"What? Where is he?" Benjamin ask in a quick motion.

"Not really."


"We didn't really find him, we kinda know where is his last trace."

"Oh. Okay cool...I guess."

"You okay? You seem a little bit shocked there."

Benjamin clenched his jaw but jolted in surprise when the car suddenly honk. He turn towards Officer Steve and step closer to him until they were inches away.

"Look, I don't what you're trying to do here but it better not involve me cause I don't have any fucking idea where Eddie is. Whatever you're trying to prove here is gonna cause you some really messy trouble."

"You have lovely eyes." Officer Steve kindly smile.

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