Chapter 22 Secrets Are Souls

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Hey y'all. The pic is just a little bit reminder of how ridiculously hot Ben is...Ciao!

"Wait, he has a diary? Well that's lame." Benjamin cross his arm and fake a snort while his heart had never beat more faster than this moment. He knows everything about Eddie, everything but his dumb diary.

"As I was saying..." Officer Steve said, a little bit annoyed with Ben interruption. "He touch me, everywhere. Every corner of my body that he could reach. I couldn't help but feel a little bit arouse by it. Actually a lot. Who am I kidding. He is nothing that my mind nor my imagination could reach. His a God if I were to be honest. Every step he take, every word he spoke, is something that everyone would live to see. He is the sky while I'm....I'm...I'm nothing I guess. But still he chooses me to interact in an awkward activity that I would like to call molesting. Do I have something in myself that even I can't see or is Ben just plain stupid?"

Officer Steve close the book and put it down on the table. He look at Benjamin straight in the eye, playing mind games with him.

"So, can you explain that?"

"Not really." Ben shrugged.

"Why not?"

"His the one who wrote it. How am I supposed to explain what happen?"

"Benjamin...I think you should know that Edward write this with his own hand and he even stated you had molested him. You realise you can be charged for that?"

"On what terms? Two guys going at it? We're both teenagers. We didn't do anything wrong. How can he say I molested him when the fucker moan like a fucking bitch?! You stupid shithead only listen to one side of the story. What about my side? What proof do you have that said he didn't exaggerated this kind of shit!?"

Ben chest had already move in and out as his rapid breathing tired him. His furious. People are starting to get to the bottom of line and that make him anxious. Really anxious.

Other people can take his dignity, they can take his car, they can fucking take everything but not Edward. Take all you want but Eddie is his and hell would fucking break lose if any single soul dare to object him against that.

Officer Steve look at Benjamin and try to see past those eyes. He wanted to believe Ben but something in his gut is teling him not too.

The investigation is reaching down a slump when he can't find any clues that leads to Edward missing. If possible, it had been three days since he last sleep. That's just how passionate he is toward his career.

"I understand why you're mad and I get that you must've been afraid yourself. But you and me need to go through this in order to find where Edward is. He might ran off on his own or someone had taken him. For all I know, we need to work together. Do you wanna find Edward?"

Officer Steve look at Benjamin with worried eyes and Benjamin knows that the guy is playing mind games with him.

"Sure. Why not. I mean poor kid."

"Well...if you said so. You're free to go Benjamin."

Ben stood up and walk to the door but stop when Officer Steve called his name.

"Say hi for me to your parents."

Ben clenched his jaw tight as a burning heat slowly radiates inside of him.

"They're dead."

"I know and I know how." Officer Steve smile.


    When Eddie wake up, his world were spinning but he felt a little bit better than he had this morning. Is it morning? He doesn't know. When he sit on the edge of the bed gathering his thought, his stomach growl.

"God I'm so hungry." He said to himself.

Edward walk out of the room and proceed to the kitchen. He open the fridge to see what was available for his stomach to digest. There's a leftover Chinese food and Edward grabs it. This should be enough. The pain in his stomach forbid him to eat a lot.

When he was chewing down the food, Edward hear the front door open. His back. Eddie thought to himself.

Edward steadied himself and pretend to not acknowledge Benjamin existance when he came in through the kitchen.

"Hey babe. You hungry?"

Edward shrugged his shoulder and continue to eat.


Just then, Ben grab a fist of Edward hair harshly and dragged him out of the kitchen.

Edward scream in pain at first but then the pain was so unbearable that only small gasp of shock and tears accompany his lips. He cries in silence for Benjamin forgiveness but still it was as faint as a whisper.

Benjamin hands clutch tightly on Edward's hair as he dragged him down to the basement room. When he reach the stairs, he throws Eddie down resulting in Eddie's rolling off with screams.


Benjamin walk down the steps with arrogant look plastered all over his face as his sadistic side slowly arise. This is his purpose. Loving Edward to the extend of pain and humiliation. He took off his football jacket and stride towards Eddie.

Now, this is how to love someone the right way.

Benjamin think to himself.

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