Chapter 7 What He Would Do To Me

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Oh no:( I'm having a writers block. If u think the storyline is kinda shitty...I'm kinda sorry.

      Edward is on edge that day. His gut and all of his six senses is screaming at him that danger will fall upon but so far, he was no where near anything that might hurt him. But as always, his guts were right. Being bullied and toss around cause you to be aware of everybody around you. 

Edward were walking to the bathroom after lunch when he suddenly came across a bunch of jocks in the toilet...smoking. He paused in his step as all of the eyes there set upon him. Without any hesitation, Edward sprint his way out but only to be grab by the hair and yanked backward. Edward groan as the pain erupted in his head between his scalp. He look up to see the bastard that has his hand gripping Edward's hair were no other then Benjamin.

Benjamin were happy to see Edward that day for he had missed him terribly. He can't go a day without looking and touching Edward or the urge to hurt someone will emerge inside of him. Which is why when every time he's with Edward, he had no other choice but to let all those longing for him burst out.

When everyone were looking at Edward, he felt someone bump his shoulder, a sign that they would be playing with their victim. Even though he doesn't want anyone to hurt Edward, he automatically grab his hairs and yanked him backward. A reflex he, himself cannot explain. He drag Edward across the bathroom to his teammates. With no words spoken, everyone by now had stomped Edward with their feet.

Edward was only able to curl into a ball and cover his face while all of the jocks kicked him and push their feet into his crotch. They were 4 of them. Which mean 8 pair of feet including Benjamin.

Pain evolved around his body as he try his best to hold everything in places. He try to endure the pain so that hope will not be lost from his life. Try to not die within inside. After a few minutes of kicking and spitting and urinating, it stops. Everything stops. Even Edward's willed to live. He can hear all of the jocks walked out of the bathroom. All of them except one.

He didn't have to look to know. Edward lay on the bathroom floor as he stared into the distance with a face that had say it all. He had lost all hope. He lost every little dignity he has in his life. He should've felt hurt and cried his eyes out but nothing. He can't feel anything at all.

Benjamin crouch down to Edward as he slip his hand through his soft brown hair. He look at him with love and desire in his eyes and trace his hand at Edward's bruised lip and cheek. But most importantly, he loves the look that Edward have on his face. A look of despair. A look of nothing. He's glad that Edward now no longer looked at him with feared eyes that he always does as those looks always angers him.

'' okay?" He caress Edwards cheek. 

They were no answer. Benjamin bent down to Edward's ear and whisper "You look so beautiful babe. So amazing." Benjamin has a wide smile plastered all over his face. He picked up his beaten body and walked out of the bathroom. Of course he look around the hall first to see if anybody were around the hall and when the coast was clear, he jogged to the school exit and went to his car.

Benjamin put Edward in the back seat and went on to the driver seat. Benjamin was so happy that he could literally explode from the happiness. Edward was now how he had plan to shaped.

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