Chapter 14 When You Realize No One Care

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Edward Dawson

      I woke up with a massive headache and my face felt heavy. I looked around the dark room as my mind went through a bundle of memories. Then, it came. I've been kidnapped. Ben took me away from my home. My family. I wonder if anyone even noticed that I was gone. Even if they do, would anyone care?

I brace myself and got up from the bed. I put on my  jeans that were thrown splattered on the ground. Slowly I walked up the stairs and push the door open. The bright light from the hall hurt my eyes making me blink them a few times.

I kept on walking along the hallway till, what I would assume is the living room appear. Besides the living room is an open door which looks  like a kitchen.

I should find a way out of this place. Right away, I went to the kitchen to find any window or doors. None. Then I went back to the living room. The door were locked with a big silver looking lock. I take a closer look and saw that it needs a fingerprint scan. Both of the window at the right side of the house were closed by bricks which surely won't budge even if I did anything. But I tried anyway. I picked up the nightstand lamp from a table and throw it at the bricks. The lamp were seriously damage but the brick were no where to be broken.

I tried again. This time I lift the small table that holds the lamp and throw it at the same window. The table didn't broke so I pick it up again and throw it. At this rate I was breathing heavily and panting as my throat felt more dry than it already did.

God I need to get out of here! I started to panic and went back to the hall. I keep walking towards the end but stop when the wall blocks my way. Its a dead end. I walk back to the basement and went inside the bathroom. A sink, shower, toilet and nothing else. Not even a freaking small window.

This can't be happening. But who am I kidding. I went back to the living room and sat on the long big couch, thinking.

After a few minutes, a sudden anger and rage exploded in me making me breath heavily. Before I knew it, I was making my way towards the kitchen and flip the table till it fell on the floor. I open the refrigerator and throw all the food on the floor and sink. Hot tears stream down my face as I let all the anger inside of me out. The kitchen were a mess but I didn't stop there. I went back to the living room and throw the couch pillow on the floor and  flip off the glass table at the middle of the room. The glass broke into million places with a loud clashing sound.

Then suddenly, the wood in the fireplace caught my attention. I can use that to crush Ben's skull when he open the door and like God have heard my prayers, I heard a car engine. I quickly grab one of the wood, big ones and went to stand behind the door.

The sound of keys juggling make me fidget in my stand and soon the door makes a clicking sound and the fingerprint scanner were the color green. The door open slowly and as soon as I saw Ben's head, I swing the wood as hard as I can leaving no room for any weaknesses.

     I swing the wood so hard that even before it hits anything my hands felt heavy. But it still fail in an attempt to kill the psycho that took me away from my home. As I was trying to hit him, his head snapped at my direction and as fast as lightning, his hand reach out to block the wood.

I gritted my teeth but realize that the door were open. I know I'm not gonna make it since he was literally standing in front of the door. But the thought of surviving in any way possible gets ahead of me. So, I throw the wood to the ground grab the door harshly but as predicted, Ben push me backward so hard I fell on my butt. He smashed the door close and my chance of escaping for today had been gone.

I looked up to him as his eyes scan around the horrendous living room. Without even looking at me, he went to the kitchen. I got up from my fall and just stand there, looking at the door. Tears brimming down my face.

I heard Ben's heavy footsteps came into the living room and stop. I didn't look back to him. The thought of seeing his face itself angered me so much that it's a miracle I still haven't try to strangle him to his death.
"You know," he said "no one even said anything about you today. Nothing. Not even a single whisper. It's really fucking funny cause were gone for almost 2 days."

I should've known. Actually I do know. I just didn't want to admit it. Didn't want to admit that there is no one in my life that truly care or even love me.

"And your point is?" I asked.

I can hear his footsteps walking towards me. My eyes snap to his face nonetheless to show him that he doesn't petrified me even if I'm scared as shit right now. He smirks at my brave remarks and  put both of his hand on my shoulder and lean down to my eye level.

"My point is...can you see how no one really loved you but me? That no one will be there to protect you but me?"

I smirk evilly at his statement. Who did he think I am? A 9 year old kid that he can just manipulate easily? Over my dead body.

"Love? Protect? Why don't you go fuck yourself!!!" I snap.

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