Chapter 9 When A Psycopath Falls In Love II

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Benjamin carry Edward in bridal style to the house. When he had no football practice or before he sneaked in Edward's bedroom at night, this is where he poured his energy out. Rebuilding the house. It used to be deserted concerning the spooky rumors about it being haunted. But being the insane person that Benjamin is, no ghost can scared him. He would try and befriend one if that even possible. In fact he would kill the ghost again just for fun.

But Edward? No his definitely not gonna kill him. Not ever. He loves him too much to lose him. When Edward tried to kill himself, Benjamin had panicked. God knows how scared he was and he doesn't often get scared. But that one day when he had heard about him cutting his own wrist, all hell had break lose.

He had come home and looked for a knife. When Benjamin had hold the knife in his hand, he cut his arm again and again just like how he imagined Edward would cut it. With a bloody hand, Benjamin slumped to the floor and grabbed his hair. Sobbing and crying from the fear that had him weak. Along that week he had wear a bandage to cover up his arm, lying to his friends saying that he got bitten by a dog making them curse and accused the damn dog which doesn't even exist at all.

He had also treat Edward more gentle and kind since he needed to heal from the pain and suicide attempt. But not for long. He needs to suffer again to make sure the pain stays this time. It did. It had. This is proven when Edward had that blank look plastered all over his face. Blank and nothing.

Benjamin went into the house. The house looks like a vacation villa with an old antic sofa by the fire place where he can cuddle up with Edward and be warm in each other embraces and touch. The right side of the house is a kitchen. Benjamin had stuff all kinds of food in there so that Edward won't starve and he would not be seen shopping for groceries. They were 2 windows at the left side  but Benjamin had seal it with bricks and wood. It didn't take long for him to do that.

He walked Edward to the room which is in the basement. He walked down the stairs as Edward grip his arm a little bit tighter.

''Don't worry babe. I got you. I'll never let you go.''

Edward didn't answer but maintain to keep calm. He had no idea where he is but he can feel that they're inside a house. Is he being kidnapped? He doesn't know. His mind at the moment was not able to process any kind of information.

Benjamin lay Edward on the bed as he took off his blind. Edward blinked his eyes several times to adjust to the room brightness. Benjamin stare at Edward as his thought had gone from dirty to a whole new level of nasty things.

Edward looked around the room as he notice that they were not so many stuff there but only a nightstand on a table, a door on the right side of the room which seems like a bathroom and a TV in front of the bed. The room was painted with red walls which makes it a little bit darker.

''Where am I?'' Edward looked at Benjamin as his breathing rapidly increasing.

Instead of an answer, Benjamin sat down on the bed in front of Edward and stared him down. Edward didn't move as he was afraid that even the slightest movement will probably end his life in here.

''Its our house babe.''

''Wh...wh...what do you mean?''

''I make this, all of this for you babe. For us.'' Said Benjamin as he gesture his hand around the room.

''Why? What for?''

''Oh babe you're so innocent aren't you? You always makes me wanna be inside of you.'' Benjamin laughed at how adorable Edward look when he's scared.

''What?'' Edward frowned his eyebrows at Benjamin's word and before he could register anything, Benjamin had pinned him down to the bed and caught both of his hand between the metal. He tied his hand with a rope besides the nightstand tightly as Edward silently struggle beneath Benjamin strong force.

''Babe don't move or you'll get hurt. I'm not even fucking you yet and you already hurting yourself.'' Benjamin grinned as he noticed Edward blush.

After Benjamin finish, he opens the drawer and took out a scissor. Benjamin saw Edward widen eyes and felt his groin gets harder in his pants. ''Don't worry I'm just gonna cut your shirt off. I forgot to take them out before I tied you. stupid.'' He chuckled. With that, he grabbed Edward's shirt from the bottom and cut it at the middle. Edward close his eyes tightly as the sound of the scissors scared him.

After that Benjamin unbuckle Edward's pants.

''No stop! What are you doing?!''

''Getting you naked so I can fuck you?''

Benjamin continues to slid Edward pants down as he started screaming for help when the real situation now seems more clear to him as to what was happening. He was getting raped.

''Shit! babe stop moving!''

Edward throw his leg around harder making it difficult for Benjamin to pulled of his pants completely. Edward kicking were making Benjamin angry so he do what he always do when he's angry. He hurt something and possibly; someone. 

With the farthest distance Benjamin hands could pull, he swing his hand forward to Edward cheeks making the slap sound echo through the whole room. Edward fell into weakness as the ridiculously painful slap had suddenly made him weak.

''Now...stay still and I'll come back with the candles okay?''

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