Chapter 29 Be It Love, You Still Kill My Hope

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When the sun has set, no candle can replace it...

George R.R Martin

"Apparently the text was send from a place called Lane Forest at the end of the town. Whatever it is, its deep in there." Said Kevin. The police department tech guy. When Steve and Howard burst in through his office, he was ultimately surprise that neither of them had leave for work yet. He literally saw both of them drive their car out.

It was no surprise there though. Being a cop sucks.

"Kay. We need you to lead the way through the radio. We'll be in contact. Howard have backup ready. As many as you can. We're gonna get that sick piece of shit tonight."

Officer Howard nod his head and went out to search for backup. Things just get more intense now that the location is far from hiding.

"Connect your radio. We're on line 2." Said Steve.

Officer Steve run out of the office and jog towards the car. Waiting for the other team to get ready.

Usually when things like this happen, they would have to sit down and discuss strategy first but this time, there's no moment to waste.

"Alright boys. We're gonna go in slow this time. I want you to be a as quiet as a ghost. We will not allow our target to hear that we're coming. We'll stop the car ten feet from target's position. Make sure no sound are make when sliding in." Steve yelled on top of his lungs to the unit.

They can't afford to make any mistake now. They can't make any mistake at all. In all mission, its either succeed or die trying. That's just how dangerous being a cop is.

Your life just doesn't belong to you.

After a couple more brief from Officer Howard, all men rush into their car and headed where the exact location is. Officer Steve steel the wheel as fast as he can with the guidance of Kevin through the radio.

After 20 minutes, they arrived in front of a small lane that seems to lead into the forest. No wonder the road was so small. It could've been impossible to just notice on the first look.

     Officer Steve slowly drive through the road and keep the car's engine running low.

It was a long road. Even after 30 minutes, their destination seems unclear. But nevertheless, Kevin keeps giving them direction and where to headed next.

After a couple more minutes, Steve stop the car as they head upon a dead end.

"Kevin you sure you're going the right way?"

"Yeah. It shows that you guys are on the right track but wait. The signal shows that the spot is right in front of you. You guys can't see it?"

"Kev, its a dead end. There's nothing but tress in front of us." Said Officer Howard this time.

"No wait. I think we have to walk. Keep leading us Kev." Steven grabs the radio and step out of the car.

"Where to?"

"You guys just need to walk in straight."

Officer Steve and Howard walk in slowly as they signal half of the unit to stay with the car and the other half to followed behind.

They walk slowly between the thick tree lines. Everyone on alert as they secure every perimeter on the edge of their eyes.

And after a few minutes of walking through the heavy jungle, they stumbled upon a house. A dark brown house.

The house was clearly abandoned with a horrid creation that a house could have ever been build. Some of the parts were rot and pelled of its brick. From just one look and you could just assume that its a haunted house. Where monsters live.

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