Chapter 21 If You Love Someone, Kill Them For It.

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The longer you dance with the devil

the longer you stay in hell.


Later that night, Benjamin went into the bedroom and lay down beside Edward. He spoon Edward from behind, taking all of his scent. Feeling all of his warm touch as he realize he had never been this close to Edward. It's definitely is a miracle.

The following morning follow suit as Edward wake up feeling dreadful. His head were spinning and he felt nauseas and he was right because soon after he jolt himself up from the bed and ran to the toilet.

Edward spilled his gut out as he vomit everything in his stomach. Dinner from yesterday could be seen in the sink with a hint of white fluid and some of the food in a more smaller and slimy form.

He gaps for air that had left his lung and proceed to wash his mouth. Edward rinse his mouth and walk back to bed. He throw himself on the bed and soon after, he felt asleep again.


Benjamin Evan walk through the hall as people spread through his way like the Red Sea. People respected him, people like him and there was no doubt no one would think badly of him.

He is the school athlete and has contribute many thing to help the school and the people around him. He doesn't bullied the losers and surely he never mistreated anyone...anyone except for Edward. But most people think Edward was the one to blame for it just because his a lone freak.

And the reason why Benjamin mistreated Edward in public is because he doesn't anyone to get close to Edward. He doesn't want anyone looking, touching or even acknowledge Edward existence.

Edward is his soul and not even God can touch Edward. The insane thought he had when Edward had almost kill himself.

Boy did that incident open his eyes. From there on then, he realize that he was running out of time and he needs to act fast. If not, he would surely lost Edward and if that ever happen then he would gladly jump in front of a train and end every pain that is known to this world.

In less than 1 month his going to graduate and from then on, his gonna be with Edward forever. Even if his gonna spent the rest of his life in this crap town, if Edward is with him then he surely couldn't care less.

Benjamin was throwing the balls with his teammates when suddenly coach Arthur yelled his name.


Ben look towards coach.

"Come here."

Benjamin jog his way towards coach Arthur and two other guy in police uniform. Benjamin stay calm and stop in front of them.

"S'up coach?"

"These two police officers wanna ask you some question."

"Its nothing heavy but we wanted to ask some question about Edward Dawson. We heard you were on bad term with the boy?" One of the police officer ask.

Benjamin try to stay calm and thankfully his face is hidden behind the helmet.

"Bad term? Nah, we're good actually."

"Really? You sure bout that?"
The same police officer ask again.

"Yeah, I mean I mess with him once in a while but apart from that, nothing I guess."

The officer nod at Benjamin explanation and look at the other police officer. They both shared a knowing look.

"I'm sorry coach Arthur but I'm afraid we have to bring Ben here to the station. Ask him a couple more question if that's fine."

Coach look at Ben and back at the police officers when he nod.

"Yeah it's okay I guess. Go get changed Ben."

Ben jog towards the changing room as he can feel all eyes on him. This is some shit he don't want to go through but as long as he doesn't say anything stupid then his good.


Even being in a police car doesn't make Benjamin felt guilty or question his doing because he knows very well what he did had nothing to do with against the rule. He didn't kidnapped Eddie. He only took what belongs to him in the first place.

But the only problem right now is these useless human being might not understand it.

Ben keep on following the two police officer until they opened a door for him to enter. He walk in the room and there was a large mirror at the right side of the room. Interrogation room. Ben thought to himself.

He sat down on the chair calmly and put his hand on the table. Soon after a guy in a suit came in through the door with a couple of files and book clutch in his arms.

He sit in front Ben and proceed asking him questions.

"So Benjamin. How are you doing?"


"I'm Officer Steve. I'm responsible for the investigation of Edward Dawson who had been gone for almost a week. You know where he might be right now?"

"No actually I don't."

"You like Edward right?"

"Yeah but in secrets."

"So you're gay?"

"You could say I'm a closet case."

The officer nod for a moment.

"Have you know hurt Edward in a way?"

"If you mean by word then yes I have."

"What did you say?"

"The usual stuff, faggot, son of a bitch. Stuff like that."

"How about molesting him?"

"I like the guy so I touched him a few times."

"Really? Well Ben, for someone who like Edward you don't seem to be concern for his missing. You look as if you couldn't care less."

"I like him but his not the only fish in the sea. Plus its not my fault his missing."



"Well then Benjamin, could you please explain this writting that Edward had written in his diary." Officer Steve open a black book and search through the page as if it was in the back of his head.

He reads. "Dear diary, today, Benjamin had came to my house and play nice with my mom but when we got into my room, he started doing things to me. Weird things."

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