Chapter 5

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"We have to clean up, then we'll move to the other house across town. Are you sure you're up for this?" Jay inquires, rubbing his brow in exhaustion. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. What about you?"

"Yeah. I need to call Penny, grab the decomposing serum and I'll grab the vacuum." For the next hour we clean the house and patch up the roof so that the police didn't come knocking. As soon as the house was clean, we pack the essentials and walk out. When we get there I immediately grab the home phone. I put in some numbers and wait for it to connect me to the person on the other side.

Jace pick up the phone almost instantly, "Bryony, is that you?" I almost burst into tears with relief.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Oh, thank the Lord. Are you okay?"

"A few bumps and bruises but nothing a good nights sleep can fix. Can you come over?"

"Yeah of course, I'll be there in ten." He hangs up the phone, so I knew that was the end of the conversation. I take a quick shower, after putting a pair of shorts and a camisole on, I walk back to my room. Jace is sat there his leg bouncing up and down. His head shoots up when he hears my footsteps. He rushes over to me and wraps me in a bear hug.

"I'm okay, I promise. Just tired, let's get some sleep." He nods in agreement and climbs into the bed. I follow suit and cuddle up next to him. "Thank you for this."

"Of course you're my sister, there's no where I'd rather be." I smile at that.

"I'm pretty sure you'd prefer to be in Ella's bed right now."

"Okay, one exception." We spoke for a bit longer about how worried he was and how much he loved Ella before falling into a deep slumber. I wake up to the six o'clock alarm, Jace groans and rolls over.

 I feel the same way buddy, except my bones were literally screaming in pain. You see, my brother has an Imprint that can fix him up in a jiffy, I don't. Besides even if I did they wouldn't be of much help.  I'm a healer. We are some of the strongest of our kind.

I normally treat people who have not Imprinted yet, but when a wound is life-threatening only a healer can mend it, not the Imprints, confusing right? A long time ago people believed the healers to be too powerful so they took away the ability for their Imprint to heal them. so I'm stuck feeling the pain for the next few days.

After the pain fades a little, I get up slowly and walk towards the wardrobe on the other side of the room. After I chose some clothes - black skinny jeans a blue peplum top and knee high heeled boots - I go to the bathroom to get ready.

Ten minutes later I was ready for the day whilst my beloved brothers slept into the afternoon hours. I hear the doorbell ring, I slump down the stairs after closing the bedroom door. I open the door to see no one other than Penny, I smile and step away from the door to let her in. I go back upstairs to see if Jace was ready to come shopping I didn't want to go anywhere on my own at the moment, childish I know.

I run up the stairs to my room, and throw open the door only to face plant Jace's chest. "I was just coming downstairs." He says quietly.

"Cool, I'll meet you downstairs. I need to ask Jay if he needs anything." He nods and skips downstairs. I slowly open Jay's door, after confirming nothing dirty was happening I open my eyes. Penny is led in the bed and Jamie is sat up watching TV, "Jamie." I whisper.


"I'm going to the store do you need anything?"

"No. But make sure your phone is always on, and call me if you need anything."

I spin on my heel and grab my keys from the shelf, we walk out to the car and I turn the ignition. I put on our favourite song and open the windows whilst speeding down the road.

'That's just how we roll, and that's just how we roll.'

We get to the store and I park in a space close to the doors, I may have more energy but I'm still in pain. We wander around the shop picking things up that look good, "I need loads of Ibuprofen, wait. Do you think they'd give me anything stronger?"

"I highly doubt it." 

"Damn it." I continue to grumble as we walk down the aisles picking up all kinds of things, alcohol being one of them. I know I'm seventeen but I have a fake license so it's fine. When we finally get to the drink aisle, there is a guy around our age. 

Tall, with broad shoulders, gorgeous short brown hair and hazel eyes, he just makes me want to melt. 

I walk over to him, well the lemonade that is next to him. If I'm honest I just want a closer look at him. I pick up some lemonade from the shelf and our shoulders brush against each other and I feel a jolt across my skin. Turning my blood to ice and my skin to fire, I was Imprinting with a guy I barely knew, but I didn't care I was too busy studying the iridescent blues that floated around us. The colour fades away and I meet his eyes with mine.

His eyes are wide in shock, he is as white as a sheet he would've crumbled on to the floor if I didn't jump to action. "Are you okay?" I ask softly afraid of frightening him away.

"Wh-wh-what just happened?" He asks, his voice like honey with a husky undertone. 

"I can explain all of this. I know you don't know me and I know this is a lot to ask but I need to you to trust me."

"I feel like I trust you, but how is that possible we only just met and I don't even know your name.."

"My name is Bryony, my brother and I will explain but I need you to come with us."

"I'm Matthew. Is that your brother?" He asks turning to Jace, I shake my head.

"No he's my best friend, my brother is at the house. I don't want to force you into anything or make you feel uncomfortable. So I'll make you a deal, if you stay with us until we've finished paying you can decide whether you want to come or not, would that be okay?" He nods tersely and we finish our shopping. We spend most of the time talking. I found out his favourite colour is blue, he adores pizza, he's a straight A student, he doesn't know what he wants to do in the future and his favourite animal is a dog. We have so much in common it was scary, but every second I start to like him even more, I just hope he feels the same about me.

We make it to the checkout, the woman scans all of our things and as expected asks me for my ID. I give it to her, she checks it over a few times before telling me to put my card into the machine.

'Card Accepted' flashes up on the screen.

"Have you made your decision?" I ask softly.

"I want to go with you and learn more about all of this." He states slowly, I watch his face for any regret as we walk to the car.

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