Chapter 12

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Jesse's POV

I can't believe Valem, my grandfather, poisoned a young girl who didn't even know about any of this. As soon as I found about it I ran straight for the cure. I don't know why I'm so willing to put my life at risk for a girl I barely know. 

But it's the witty comments and beautiful smile that keeps me coming back. As soon as I saw her writhing in pain on that bed I couldn't do anything but try to get to her it's like everything faded away but her. And then the blonde one threw me against the wall, I was still going to help her.

Another bloke comes up behind her, he must have seen something in me that made him trust me. He lets me go to the side of her bed, "I'm so sorry. He shouldn't have done that." She looks at me with her deep brown eyes. "Open your mouth Princess, I have the cure." She slowly opens her mouth. I pour the clear liquid in and wait for her to swallow. "Go back to sleep let it do it's work. It'll take an hour or two for it to reach it's full capacity but you'll be fine."

"Thank you." She says softly, I smile at her.

"There's no need to be thankful, Sweetcheeks. My grandfather shouldn't have done what he did."

I turn around and stand up, "She'll be fine in an hour or two, you need to keep and eye on her. I need to go and stop my grandfather from searching for you. I'll see you around." I say heading towards the door.

"Wait!" The small blonde one says, "Thank you."

"No need, my grandfather will be stopped whether or not I have to die in the process." I say softly.

The tall blond boy starts to talk "I'm Jamie, thank you for everything. I think I can do something for you."

"Like what?" I ask, truly curious.

"I can give you your powers back, but I can only do that if you use them to help us."

"Why would you do that for me?"

"Because I want you to help me protect my family and you helped my friend. I know you're a good guy. Whether you want to admit it or not. Are you willing to do that?" I glance back at the bed, at Chelsea, I knew already I would do anything for her.


"Okay follow me." I follow him into the lounge and sit down where I'm told, he sits opposite to me with an easy smile "Put your hands out palms up." I do as I'm told and watch as he prepares for this. "Okay everyone in this room who is an Arisen put your hands on my shoulders." They listen. He turns back to me "Are you ready?" I nod my head once and continue to watch.

He starts muttering an incantation under his breath I could feel the barriers stopping my powers from shining through start to crumble, they fall away completely in less than ten seconds I can feel the power race around my veins. I feel like me again. I look up at all of them "Thank you. I can't remember the last time I've felt like this."

"It's fine." The blonde girl replies "I think you should go. We're all a bit tired and your grandfather is probably looking for you." I nod and stand up.

"Can I least know all of your names first?"

"Sure." Jamie speaks up. "I'm Jamie but you already knew that." He points to the small blonde girl who threw me against the wall, "That's my sister Bryony." He turns to a tall ginger girl, "That's Ella." He then points to a tall brunette "That's my Imprint Penny." He points to a tall guy with brown hair, "That's Jace." He then points to another guy, "And that's Matthew." I nod.

"Well it's nice to meet all of you. Umm I'll probably be back tomorrow to check on Chelsea, I can find stuff out if you need me to. I'm up for being an inside man if need be."

"Why?" Bryony asks.

"Because my family is wrong, besides we've met before and I'm kinda hurt you don't remember. I've been on your side since I met you." Bryony thinks for a minute then her eyes brighten in recognition. The others are still seem really confused. "I told you I'd find you again."

She grins, "Ha ha very funny, now get going. We'll speak to you more tomorrow, and Jesse thank you for everything." I nod and walk out the front door, most likely grinning like a fool. I have finally found people, nice people, that are willing to do anything for each other. I just hope that I'll be able to be a part of it.

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