Chapter 15

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Jamie's POV

Bryony walks out into the kitchen to make some tea, Matthew following closely after her. Taking a deep breath I start the conversation.

"When did this happen?" I start.

"In the woods," Chelsea replies.

"What of your egotistic leader also known as your grandfather?"

"I don't know, I can't really do anything from here." He says slowly.

"Well it's settled, you are going back to the compound and finding out more information. You are going to be trained how to use your powers." I say turning to Chelsea.

"What powers?" She asks.

"As Jesse has already Arisen,when you Imprinted you did to. There was a small pause between the Imprint wasn't there?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Yes there was." Jesse replies.

"Tea's ready." Bry shouts from the kitchen, everyone raced into the dining room, inhaling the smell of tomato pasta. "Eat up guys." And we did most of us had finished within five minutes. "Who wants seconds?" Everyone put their hands up so Bry dashes off to the kitchen to grab the pot before adding more spoonfuls of it to people's plates. "I'm glad you like it." After everyone was finished I collect the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

When I got back in the dining room everyone was talking quietly. "Sorry to interrupt, but Jesse you need to get moving before Valem realises somethings happening. And Chelsea you will accompany me and Jace to start your training. Everyone else you're free to do what you want." They all sat staring blankly at me "Go now!" I say with emphasis, moving my arms around.

I go back into the kitchen to see Bry crying at the breakfast bar. "Bry, why are you crying?" I ask gently.

"We have so much to do, so many people to protect. There's a war coming and you know it."

"I don't know, we have to be there for Chelsea. And yes I know the war is coming and we will win, good always wins."

"I get it I do, I still worry for them though, what's going on in there?" She asks.

"Me too. Nothing important, but I have to go and train Jace and Chelsea I'll send Matthew out." She nods her head as I stand up. This is going to be a long night.

Jesse's POV

I give Chelsea a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. I mount my motorbike and turn the key in the ignition, the bike roars to life. I start to head back to the compound, I hope Valem doesn't realise that I've got my powers back, he'll throw me in a cage like he did Bryony eight years ago.

 I was eleven at that point but I could hear her screams when he brought her to the whipping post within the assembly area of the compound making everyone watch him do it.


People surround me, we all hustle our way to the assembly area where the weekly show was being held. Many people hated this show while other people enjoyed it. Our leader, my grandfather, Valem would drag, a now, twelve year old girl to the whipping post and chain her it started when she was only nine. 

He says it's a show of strength, I see it as a weakness. They torture her because she's from the other side, the good side, the one I yearn to be on. There has been one of these every other day for the past three years, tonight I plan to free her. I may be thirteen but I have been studying the compound ever since she arrived here.

The girl is dragged into the court by two tall, bulky men. "Today you will see a girl from the good side be whipped as many times as I see fit. She is a threat to our way of life a threat to your children and your children's children and for that she must be punished." Valem says. 

Shackled to the post, the girl tenses ready for the first strike, it came out with a fury. She screams loudly and begins to sob, this carries on for an hour, when the show ends the bell for curfew goes off, now the plan begins.

I shuffle past all the people and avoid the guards, I reach the top of the dungeon stairs. I cross my fingers behind my back and walk down the stairs. I can hear her crying, edging towards her cell, I grab the keys from the wall and turn to her. Her eyes are filled with tears and her cell is covered in blood, I gape and the state of her and where she's been living for the past few years. It doesn't even have a bed, luckily for her it did have a small toilet. I unlock the door and swing it open.

"Come on. I'm here to help." I beckon to her, she stands up slowly and makes her way over to me. Taking my hand she looks me in the eye. I smile awkwardly and nod towards the way I came, she nods and follows on behind me.

We walk up the stairs and round the corner, the guard stood there leaning against the wall. We pass him quietly and work our way to the front gates, I pull back the wiring. "Go through. Good luck." Before she goes through she hugs me.

"Thank you so much, why don't you come with me?" She whispers.

"We will meet again later and I will know the way everything works. We will help each other one day, I've always wanted to be on the good side. Now go!" I repeat. She clambers through the hole and takes off across the field. I turn back and run straight to my room. I hope she gets home okay.

********FLASHBACK OVER********

I pull up in front of the compound and step off my bike. Heading through the front gates I run straight into Valem, seeing me return he looks me over to check if I was okay. "Where have you been boy?"

"I was out riding." I gesture towards my bike, "I'm sorry I missed dinner, I grabbed something whilst I was out. Is everything okay?"

"Yes son. Now come with me we have a lot to plan for." I follow him out of the room dreading the next few hours.

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