Chapter 17

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Matthew's POV

Bry obviously trusts me with Abbie, but I don't entirely trust the girl sat beside me. Whenever I change gears she grabs my hand, and rubs her thumb over it, expecting a good reaction every time she is always surprised when I pull my hand from hers and place it back on the steering wheel.

"Why don't any of you like me?" She asks sulkily. I turn and look at her giving my best 'what the' face she smiles at me.

"Well first we have girlfriends, and second you act like a complete bitch to them. Also we just saved your life and you're making it sound like the girls are the ones that tried to kill you in the first place." I say in one breath, she scowls and me before turning back to the window.

"Anyone would be happy to have me." She states happily.

"Stupid more like." She looks at me, mortified, her eyes and mouth are open. I smile coldly and turn back to the road, after five more minutes of well earned silence we get to the house. I jump out the car as quickly as possible. Bry jogs over to me and gives me an over the top hug.

"What did she do to you?" She demands.

"Well she kept grabbing my hand, and asked really stupid questions, she said 'Anyone would be happy to have me' I just said 'stupid more like' and turned back to the road it shut her up pretty good." She smiles and hugs me closer.

"Told you, you could do it." I kiss her forehead and pull away before taking her hand and leading her into the lounge area. We all turned to look at Abbie she was happy for the attention. Turning to Jesse she started her stupid scheme, she flutters her eyelashes at him. 

"Can you tell me what's going on?" She says slowly before sliding her hand up his arm.

Stupidest idea ever, Chelsea grabs her wrist and throws her at the wall, she slides down with a groan. Jamie being the gentlemen that he is goes over and helps her up, she glares at Chelsea.

"What the hell was that for?" She screeches.

"It was for touching my boyfriend even though I warned you otherwise." Chelsea replies calmly.

"Oh your boyfriend. As I've said to Bryony they're dating you for pity." I hear Bryony huff before walking over to Abbie, Jamie looks at me to tell me that if it got too far I would need to calm Bry down.

"We just saved your life at the risk of ours, we helped you when we didn't need to and now you insult us. Just wipe her clean and get rid of her!" Bryony says to Jamie.

"I can't, fear is buried further in the brain I can't pull it out." He replies with a sad smile. Bryony growls.

"Fine I'm getting the soldier from your boot and I will take my anger out on that bastard." She walks out the front door, two minutes later she walks in with him over her shoulder. "I'll be in the back room if you need me." She says with a smile. Oh dear. I turn to Jamie.

"You need to go with her, Jay. Or he won't be alive for the rest of the night." Jamie nods and follows after his sister, the rest of us turn to Abbie.

"Sleep on the couch we'll explain in the morning." Jace said before taking Ella's hand and walking out the room, Jesse does the same with Chelsea. I grab a pillow and a blanket from the airing cupboard and throw it at her.

"Improve your attitude by morning, because us guys won't be able to hold our women off for much longer, do you understand?" She nods, I turn to leave. She grabs my wrist and I turn to look at her.

"I'm sorry, and thank you for saving my life." I nod at her before replying.

"It's not just me you need to apologise to." And with that I walk out of the room. Opening the door to the back room, I take a seat in the corner with Penny while the twins get into their interrogation. This is going to be a long night.

Jamie's POV

Matthew and I follow Penny and Bryony into the back room where the prisoner is. "Where are you from?" Bry demands, he cowers away and turns to look at her.

"We were sent!" He says loudly.

"By who?" I ask gently I don't want to freak him out.

He whimpers. "Who?" Bry shouts. He shakes his head and backs off further, "Bad idea." She whispers coldly and grabs a knife from the shelf, she stabs it through his upper thigh "How about now?" She says through his screams.

He backs down "Valem, Valem sent me." He says loudly.

"Why does he want Abbie?" I ask.

"He wants to use her as leverage. He sent the risk takers."

"He knew you couldn't beat us and yet you came anyway."

"We succeeded once, when you were nine."

"Heinrich?" She questions in a low voice.

"Zdravstvuy dorogoy." He replies.

"She is not your darling, you sick bastard." I chip in.

"You used to drag me to the courtyard, you let them drain me of blood and you stole something that I'll never get back." She whispers on the verge of tears.

"Ahh sweetheart your virginity isn't that important."

"It is when you're eleven." She says loud enough for Matthew and I to hear. We take in a sharp breath and surge forward to hurt him. Bryony puts her hand up to make us stop, "You ruined my life, you took me from my family... Do you feel no remorse?"

"No, you deserved it. And one day you'll realise it."

She pulls her hand back and swings it down to his face. He's knocked unconscious, she stalks out of the room, not making eye contact with anyone. I look to Matthew, he nods and follows her out of the room.

The door slams behind him and I turn to the body slumped in the chair in front of me, I untie him and throw him over my shoulder, walking towards the basement where the cell was, a hand appears on my free shoulder. I turn to see Penny with tears on her face, I smile awkwardly and drop Heinrich on the floor. "What's wrong, hun?" I ask gently.

"Nothing, I just miss you is all."

"I miss you, too." I wrap my arms around her and she sighs into my neck.

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