Chapter 19

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Chelsea's POV

Matthew and Bryony got home about ten minutes ago and headed straight to the kitchen. The smell of chicken floats from the kitchen in waves causing us all to drool. "How long till dinner?" Jace shouts whilst wiping saliva from his chin. Ella grimaces and turns back to her phone.

"Five minutes Jace." Bryony says from the door way, he groans before resting his head on Ella's shoulder. Abbie comes downstairs still sulking from earlier, and drops into the arm chair away from everyone.

"What's for tea?" She asks softly.

"Chicken cacciatore."

"What's that?"

"Food." Jesse says sarcastically.

"Dinner's ready." Bryony shouts from the kitchen, everyone gets up and speeds straight to the dining room. Everyone takes their seats while Abbie stands waiting to be placed, Matthew brings in the last dish and we wait for Bry to come in before we eat. She strolls in minute later and looks to Abbie, she pulls her to the table and sits her down in the last chair.

"What about you?" Matthew asks.

"I'm not feeling great, I'm gonna go to bed. I can trust you guys to clean up after yourselves?" She asks. We nod and she heads up the stairs.

"What happened while you were out?" Jay asks, concerned.

"She said she had a flashback."

"What was it?"

"Ummm, when she found you again and she was taken to the hospital, something about everything that happened."

"Dammit." Jay mutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Jace?" Jay turns to him and Jace nods. "Son of a bitch. Let's go." They stand up quickly and start to head to the door.

"What's going on?" Matthew asks.

"We have something we need to do. Clean up the table we'll be back later." Jay says quickly, failing to elaborate on the situation. We do as we were told and take a seat in the lounge, Abbie does to but we're all too worried about Bryony to care. 

Just as we all start to relax Bryony starts to scream, Ella and Matthew look to each other knowing what's going on before sprinting upstairs us on their heels.

Matthew pulls Bryony into his arms and rocks her, whispering calming words into her ear, she slowly falls back asleep. We head back downstairs, shaking with worry, once we are out of earshot I spin around to Ella and Matthew.

"What the heck just happened?" I demand. We sit down as they start to explain, about the torture, rape, night terrors and everything that happened to her. We all gasp at appropriate times, even Abbie seems sympathetic. Just as Matthew and Ella finish explaining Jay and Jace walk in.

"What happened?" Jay says.

"Bry had a night terror." Matthew says.

"Jace take that to Bry." Jace nods and scurries up the stairs.

"What's he giving her?" Ella asks.

"A necklace."

"What will it do?" Matthew grills.

"It was our mother's, it gets rid of the night terrors."

"Why didn't you give it to her sooner?" He demands.

"Because I hoped she'd help herself but it's just as bad as last time. Whenever we get the smallest bit of peace something happens." Jay sits down on the couch as Penny rubs his shoulder to calm him down, "It's late, we should get some sleep. We have school and the girls' performance." Everyone disperses. Jesse follows me into our room and watches as I drop on to the bed.

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