Chapter 27

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"Ella!" Jace shouts in my ear, I jump slightly and turn my head to look in his eyes. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, just remembering a while back."

"I know sweetie, I saw." He taps his temple lightly, making me remember that he can read my mind. "Well the bell for the end of the day just went, we're gonna go home and start planning how to get our sister back."

Bryony's POV

"So, are you going to help me now?" Valem demands.

"Now why on Earth would I do that?" I demand.

"So that you can save yourself some pain, and me some time."

"Well, you could always let me go, then you won't have to pay me these horrible visits anymore."

"You will do it Danvers, one way or another."

"Yeah, good luck with that." He walks away leaving only the old man and I again. "Seriously, are you bored yet?"

"Not at all sweetheart, I'm only just getting started." he says sourly. An hour later the old man finishes up with me and sends me on my way. I arrive back at my cell and drop to the floor, legs crossed and hands on my knees. Some people would say that this is meditation and in someways it is, however this is me building strength and trying to establish a connection with Matthew. I embrace every single drop of power and point it to communication.

'Matthew?' I shout into the dark abyss, 'Matthew?"


"Matthew, oh thank god.'

'Where are you?'

'The compound, I miss you all so much.'

'We miss you, I miss you."

'We'll see each other soon.'

'Do you know why he wants you?'

'He wants me to cure his cancer, I'm refusing to do it.'

'What's he doing to you?'

'It doesn't matter, look I have to go. I don't have enough strength to keep this going, I'm sorry and I love you.'

'I love you too, and don't worry we'll see each other soon'. He said echoing my earlier words. I cut off the communication and pulled the power back into my heart once again locking it away. I felt tears threatening to flood my cheeks, I lock the emotions away and the tears recede. I hate this, being alone, being bullied into submission. Luckily for me, they don't know how powerful we really are. But I have a feeling they are going to find out soon.

Jamie's POV

"They're torturing her, I know it." Matthew shouts as he paces the length of the room. "She said she's in the compound, like we're supposed to know where that is."

"I know where that is." Jesse and I say at the same time. Matthew begins to wince and fall to the floor, moaning in agony.

"What the hell is going on?" He grunts through gritted teeth.

"Dammit, I hoped this wouldn't happen!" I shout before picking Matthew up off the floor and lying him on the couch. "You're feeling Bryony's pain."

"But this is the first time!"

"She's been strong enough to keep it away from you... until now." I whisper on the verge of tears.

"We need to go get her."

-----3 Weeks Later-----

"We still haven't got a plausible plan!" I shout at my clan.

"Who cares?! Bryony was kidnapped a month ago, tortured for a month. We need to stop messing about and help her!" Ella shouts from Jace's lap. I look around the room to each and every face, everyone looks depressed and exhausted.

"Please, I need her back." Matthew mumbles from the corner, everyone turns to him. He's the worst by the looks of it, since he's not only feeling the withdrawals but her pain as well.

"We are leaving tomorrow then, everyone go to sleep. Let's hope luck is on our side."

We all head up to our bedrooms and part ways. I collapse on my bed and pull Penny under my arm. She puts her head in the crook of my neck and falls asleep instantly. I follow suit.


We get up and run straight to the kitchen thinking that Bry was there and had made breakfast. We've all been doing it, I pour some coffee into cups and pass them out. They grumble slightly and pour the coffee down their throats. "Ready for today?" I ask them, they perk up immediately. They nod enthusiastically, "Go and get changed, meet me in the weapons room." they sprint off to their rooms and I head straight to Bryony's room. I place my hand on the scanner and the door slides open.

Revealing the white room behind it. I change quickly and load up with weapons, the others join a few moments later. "Okay, when we get there you guys," I point to Jesse, Chelsea, Ella, Jace, Brandon and Abbie "Will hold them off using the spells we taught you, Ella you will channel it." They nod, "Matthew, Penny and I will go and find Bry."

"The compound's huge, how are you supposed to find her?" Ella asks.

"Using our bonds to her, that's why it's Matthew and I."

"I don't understand." Ella says.

"As I'm her twin I have a bond with her, and since Matthew's her Imprint he has a bond with her too. We will be bringing all of us home tonight... alive."

We climb into our designated cars and speed off towards the compound. We park a few meters away so that they don't know we're here, "Okay we have to walk from here, so no lights and no sounds." I say before opening my door and climbing out, they all do the same. I straighten my clothes and turn my gun so I can shoot if I need to, I make sure the silencer's on and nod to the others. They follow on behind me.

We reach the front gates within two minutes, I stare at the place Bry is being held in. Plucking up the courage, I point to where the others have to go whilst I head in to find my sister. There are two guards by the gate I pull my gun up and take them out with a headshot each. They crumble to the floor.

Heading through the gate I kept my figure small and my gun up, turning many corners. I end up in the guards barracks, using my vision I count half a dozen men in there, I open the door a crack and throw the flash bang grenade in there. After a few seconds I open the door and shoot three down, turning to the corner I use my mind to tear their body in two. I take another out with a scything chop to the neck and shoot him point blank. Turning to the last one left, I ask, "Where is Bryony?"

"Cells." He stutters. I shoot him twice through the heart and leave. I carry on through the corridors and I run into two more guards, I bring my gun around and use the butt of it to knock one out, for the other I climb his body and snap his neck, walking past the one snoring gently on the floor, I shoot him. We don't take prisoners and we never have.

I turn to see Penny watching behind us, she's shaking. I take her hand in mine for a small moment and she visibly relaxes. Her eyes widen as she sees something behind us, ducking low I elbow him in the stomach causing him to bend over, snapping his neck with a crack. This angers the other one, Penny takes him out with a swift bullet to the head, he drops to the ground face first.

Stifling a laugh, I head around the corner to the next set of guards barracks. I check to see twelve soldiers sat laughing and playing video games, how mature. I take a smoke grenade from my vest and throw it into the room. I wait ten seconds before I run in and rush them. Taking half out with the gun, I kick one in the stomach dropping him like a stone, Penny takes three out with her mind, and two with her gun. They are all led on the floor and they will not be getting back up.

Leaving the room and turning towards the holding cells, I see two soldiers conversing with each other, I turn to Penny, "Take them out quick and quiet." I whisper. Launching myself at one she takes the other with a knife to the brain, I suffocate mine and lower him to the floor

Carrying on down the original path we come to the top of the stairs, they look grimy enough. Slowly walking down them, I turn the corner and a rancid smell floods my nose. Holding my breath I head towards Holding Cell One, said to be at the end of the corridor. As I reach the gate, I gasp at the sight.

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