Chapter 11

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Chelsea's POV

I don't think I've ever felt this betrayed in my life, well that's a lie. But at the moment it's how I feel. My sister got a new boyfriend today, a playboy, someone we knew she couldn't trust. I tried so hard to warn her against it, but she refused to listen. She claims they're in love. And that I have no experience in this area. 

But little does she know, that I have. My ex chose a twelve year old over me, freaky right? Jack, was his name. Ever since him and I broke up, Bryony's been saying that 'Jack' is merely a nickname for 'Jackass'. This is why her and I are best friends.

Today would've been our five month anniversary, so I'm going to get so drunk I can hardly stand. I continue to walk down the path towards Daniela's house, where the latest party's being held. I catch shadows moving in the dark, but I it push away, blaming it on the flickering street lights. I push through the throngs of people to the kitchen, I pour a random alcohol in a cup and down it in one. 

I continue to do this until I can hardly see what's happening around me, and all my feelings are numb and hidden beneath the haze of the alcohol. I walk back outside into the cold night air, I consider calling Bryony but she'd probably judge me too hard. So I ring Ella. 

"Hey Chels." She greets distractedly. 

"Hey." I slur. "Would you be able to pick me up?" 

"Sure," She says exasperated. "Where are you?" Just as I'm about to reply a man dressed all in black approaches me. In his hand a cloth, I scream long and loud. He wraps his arm around my neck and pushes the cloth over my nose and mouth. I succumb to the darkness. 

Jamie's POV

Ella and Jay sprint into the lounge, their faces red and their chests heaving. "Chelsea," Ella gulps. "I think she's been taken." 

We all stand up abruptly, almost throwing things across the room. "What?" Bryony shouts, scared for our friend. "We have to go now." She gestures for everyone to change, we all separate. I pull Ella's wrist back and drag her to the computer room. 

"We need you on surveillance." She nods quickly and begins to mess about with the computer. "Let's go!" I shout and sprint out to the cars. We all exit our cars and head straight for our assigned doors. Before going inside, we double check the communication devices then dive through the doors. "Ah, the Danvers twins, brilliant to see you again."

"I'm sure you won't be offended when we say we don't feel the same." Bryony replies angrily. I take a deep breath to stop me from lashing out before Ella speaks up.

"He brought six people with him. Not counting him or the guy next to him." The numbers are less than expected but he probably thought he could threaten us with them.

'Okay guys. As soon as Chelsea's here go for the kill.' I sent out as a mental message, they can't nod so I just assume that they heard me.

"Ooh hurtful." Valem says and moves closer to Bry, when he's inches away from her I put my hand on his chest and shove him away.

"Keep your distance Zmeya." I say, we've been called him it since we were young, it means snake in Russian so it definitely fits him perfectly. He grins evilly waiting for a fight.

"Ohh getting protective, boy."

"Shut up. Where is Chelsea? You said if we came you would give her to us."

"Well yes I did. But I'm the bad guy."

"Don't we know it." Bryony says.

"I'd like to discuss business first."

"Oh brilliant, I want this and you will give it to me if you want your precious friend back alive. We already know what you're gonna say so can we just skip to the part where you go and get the hostage and hand her over." Bryony spouts, Valem doesn't like to be predictable so he gets rather riled.

He nods to the guy next to him with black hair and piercing green eyes, "Get the girl." The bloke nods and heads off through the back hallways to god knows where.

Chelsea's POV

The boy comes back with a huge grin, "Get up gorgeous your friends are here."

"Thank god, I can get away from you." 

"I'm hurt. All this flirting and I still don't know you're name."

"You call this flirting, you're sick... And my name is Chelsea."

"Jesse. Now I'm gonna have to knock you out."

"What?" I demand.

"If it's any consolation, I don't want to."

"Just do it." He pushes the needle through my skin and I fall into a deep sleep, the last thing I remember is being lifted up into strong arms and the swaying motion as he walks somewhere.

Ella's POV

The boy walks out and gently lowers Chels to the floor in front of Jamie, he immediately shields her and the fight begins. Jace pulls is gun free and shoots one in the head, whilst Jay throws an inhuman uppercut to one's nose knocking him out, he takes this time to pull his gun out and shoot the unconscious guy point blank. 

Bryony launches herself at a six foot man and punches him in the stomach he bends over giving her a chance to get her hands round his neck, she twists sharply and he's down for the count.

The rest are taken out with Matthew and Penny's abilities, Valem and the boy stand stunned at the carnage they just witnessed, I know how they feel. Jamie picks Chelsea up and starts to walk towards the door, stopping in front a Valem. He smiles evilly, copying Valem's expression. 

"I suggest you move." Jay growls. Valem steps aside and the others follow Jay back out to the cars. Jay lays Chelsea in the back seat gently, once everyone is in their cars he speeds down the road with Penny following close behind.

They arrive home about ten minutes later and Jay runs Chelsea up the stairs. He lays her down on Bry's bed and we surround her waiting for her to wake up. Bryony put her hands over Chelsea's heart and all of her cuts and bruises fade to nothing.

Chelsea's eyes snap open and she sits up rigid straight before turning to the side and vomiting blood all over the floor. "It burns!" She shouts as she writhes around. Bryony looks as pained as we all felt, we knew she couldn't do anything.

"It's a poison that's been manufactured against my powers, what are we supposed to do?" Bryony says frantically. The door behind us is thrown open and the black haired guy from the docks stood there, Bryony was on him before anyone could comprehend what was going on. She throws him against the wall "What have you done to her?" She demands.

"I'm here to help." He sputters. Jace, Matthew, Penny and I surround Chelsea's bed to protect her from him.

"Jesse help me..." We turn wide eyed to Chelsea who has stopped her writhing and is staring at this Jesse guy desperately. 

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