Chapter 8

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Jace's POV

We walk around the mall until we reach a small store selling flowers, I don't know what half of them are but apparently Bry does. "Could we get six white roses mixed in with five purple chrysanthemums please?" The woman nods and starts to collect the right flowers and trimming the stems. She hands them over after wrapping them in a blue ribbon, Bry takes them carefully and smiles. "They're beautiful, how much?"

"£15, they're on sale today." She says in a quiet voice, Bry nudges me and I take out fifteen pounds from my wallet and pass it to the girl, she smiles shyly.

"So what's next?" Matthew asks Bry and holds her hand, she smiles. I've never seen her like this before, and I'm liking the change up, she looks freaking adorable. I smile along with them.

"Yeah boss, what's next?"

"Next is where you'll be taking her." She says grinning while sprinting over to the car dragging Matthew behind her, I follow just a lot slower. Matthew takes my space in the front so I slide into the back.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Because we are going to Joe's Burger Joint."

"Oh thank god!" Matthew and I say simultaneously.

A Few Hours Later...

So after arriving at Joe's Diner we had something to eat before Bry parks outside Ella's house. "Go and ask her out!" She demands and pushes me out the door. I put my trembling hands into my pockets and walk awkwardly to the door, turning once to see Bryony smiling like a fool, she shook her hands to say 'hurry up'.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door, Ella answers quickly. And I almost faint looking at her in her beautiful green dress that matches her emerald eyes, oh my god I'm turning into a poet. "Hi, when I saw Bry's car I was expecting someone different." She says easily.

"Yeah, I know." I cringed at my words, I've never felt this awkward before, "Umm, I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

"Uh, yeah sure. Why?" She replies slowly.

"Well I was hoping to take you out."

"Who's going?"

"Just us."

"That sounds good, pick me up at seven?" She says and smiles brightly.

"Yeah, I'll uh see you then."

"Yeah okay."



"Bye." I say awkwardly, why am I such an idiot?

It's finally happening, I'm going on a date with the perfect girl for me, well at least I think so. She could be my Imprint, the thought itself made me insanely happy. I get back to the car and they both stare at me waiting for me to say something. "Well what did she say?!" Bry asks excitedly.

"She said yes and told me to pick her up at seven, I did it. I actually did it!"

"Don't get cocky." Bryony warns before starting the car and heading back to the house, as soon as we got back Bry told Jay, who starts freaking out which in turn made me freak out. Which resulted in Jay and Bry fluttering about, wondering the exact same thing as me, what if she's my Imprint?

Luckily Bryony showed me Ella's favourite place, I plan to take her to the best burger joint in town, the one on the beach of course, and then when the sun starts to go down we'll take a long stroll on the beach and anything that happens after that is fate.

"Jace!" Jamie shouts, he's really excited for me too, since we have all been almost family for the best part of 8 years.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"You're going to be late, Bryony just said that Ella is almost ready. So hurry your ass up!"

"Okay, coming." I stumble down the stairs, grab my keys, and head out to my car. I put the keys in the ignition and the car flares to life.

I arrive ten minutes later outside Ella's door, I pick up the flowers I got her from the passenger seat and mount the front steps. After knocking on the door, I hear Chelsea squeal and run down the stairs. She throws open the door and stares at me, Ella walks out from behind Chelsea revealing her in a white summer dress and open toed heels, her hair hung loosely around her waist. 

She's wearing a beautiful smile that captures my eye immediately, I can't believe how stunning she looks. She visibly blushed under my gaze, and turned to Chelsea, saying a quick goodbye before taking the flowers and sliding into the passenger seat. I smile awkwardly at her before turning to Chelsea and giving her a small wave before climbing into the seat behind the wheel.

Turning to Ella I ask, "You ready?" She gives me a small smile and nods. 

Ella's POV

During the drive I kept looking at Jace, he definitely dressed to impress. Wearing a white dress shirt, black skinny jeans and a black blazer, wow my kryptonite, damn you Bry. She's known for a long time how I've felt about Jace, she noticed that every time he was close my breathing hitched, cliché right?

 After ten minutes of driving he pulls up outside my favourite place in the whole entire world Joe's Burger Joint. He must have asked Bryony what I like just to impress me, if only he knew he only had to be near me to do it, I smile as I climb out of the car. 

He politely holds the door open for me and I pass him into the diner. I look around the room and see small children in the corner fighting over what looks like a toy. Turning to the closest table, Jace, being the gentleman that he is, pulls the chair out for me. I take a seat and grab a menu.

My eyes hungrily search for something good to eat, before I find something a waitress comes over and clears her throat. She's amazingly pretty, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She turns to Jace and gives him a seductive look, my heart clenches, I feel threatened, jealous even.

I glare at her over my menu, Jace catches my gaze and chuckles under his breath. He seems to enjoy the fact that I'm jealous.

He turns to her and asks for a two cokes, her anger flares. I don't think she's been turned down that hard for awhile, I smile at the thought. Turning to me, he grins, "Jealous, are we?" I blush, and slowly nod my head.

"You're here with me and she knew it, I guess she's one of those." I say in my grouchy voice, which only made his smile bigger.

"Don't worry about it, I probably would've decked a guy if he did that to you." I laugh at that.

"At least I know I'm not the only one who gets affected."

"Well who wouldn't?"

"A lot of the boys at school wouldn't. You're different."

"Good or bad different?"

"Good different."

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