Chapter 18

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Jesse's POV

I watch Chelsea as she studies a piece of paper on the desk in front of her. She grunts in frustration before returning the pen to paper. I walk over to her and rub her arms, "What are you doing?"

"I'm writing a song for my performance tomorrow." I look at her awestruck, she didn't tell me she could sing or write songs. She continues to scribble down words for the next ten minutes, before turning her body in my arms and taking my face in her hands. 

She nuzzles her nose against mine, I pick her up and take a seat on the couch with her straddling my legs. She pulls away and looks into my eyes "You're coming to the performance tomorrow, aren't you?" She says softly, I smile and she smiles to.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Her smile brightens before she slowly lowers her mouth on to mine. We both gasp at the pressure, feeling the tingling from our lips to our toes. The feeling is euphoric, something I've only had once before. 

When I Imprinted with her, it's almost as if the kiss is a promise that everything good in life will happen with her. And for that I just couldn't wait for, I deepen the kiss just as Abbie walks in.

"Ugh do you guys have to have a PDA session?" Abbie growls angrily. I pull away slowly and slightly breathless, looking at Chelsea I see her going through the same thing. At least I know I affect her in the same way, I smile at the thought.

"This is our house so if you don't like it you can leave." I say hesitantly, trying not to destroy the moment.

"Actually this is Bryony's house."

"Yes it is but we are actually welcome here." Chelsea mutters, her breath touching my face. Abbie squeals in anger and storms out of the front door, her scowl something not of this Earth. 

"That's that problem sorted." I chuckle and she joins in slowly.

Bryony's POV

Matthew comes out and walks over to me, I face him head on. "I'm sorry I acted like that." I say softly.

"I know. But it wasn't like there wasn't a reason for it." I put my forehead to his and close my eyes, he does the same.

"But that didn't mean I needed to stab him or punch him for that matter. I just lose control so easily."

"Bry listen, Jay and I were going to pummel the crap out of him when we found out what he did. I felt pure, blind rage. I probably could've pulled his head off with my bare hands."

"I feel the same way." I say before taking his hand off my waist and intertwining our fingers "Let's go for a walk." I state before walking off into a random direction. He follows on behind me.

"So where are we headed?"

"Wherever. I just need to be out of that house just for awhile."

"What if we get attacked?"

"I'll protect you." We smile at each other before carrying on through the dark streets.


My twelve year old self is starting to tire, I've been walking for hours. Even though I got out of that hell hole, I still feel paranoid and frightened. Although that's to be expected after everything I just went through, I've read it in books before, where the victim has after effects from the kidnapping. I think it was insanity or insomnia I'm not sure which. I push those thoughts away to replace them with another, of three boys.

Jace, Brandon and Jay, it pushes me further. I walk for another few minutes before stopping in front of an orphanage, it sparks some recognition inside me so I take it as a good thing. I mount the steps and knock on the door as hard as I can. I wait for a little while and begin to suspect no one was coming, it had to be at least midnight. Just as I'm about to turn away the door is thrown open by a young boy with blond hair and brown eyes, now this one I've seen somewhere before.

My face splits into a grin as does his. "Bryony!" He shouts before crashing into me and sweeping me off my feet into his arms. Tears begin to fall down my cheeks, but for the first time in years, they were from joy. "I've missed you so much! Where have you been? Are you okay?" The questions stumble from his lips. Before I can answer them the adrenaline wears off and I get sharp shooting pains up and down my body. I groan and cry harder. Jay's eyes fill with concern as I fall to my knees.

He goes to my back to help me up again, then he sees the blood. He pulls my shirt up and gasps at what's under it. The whip marks burn as he lifts me up and starts to carry me to a car. As I drift in and out of consciousness I wonder what he's doing with the car. It's not like he knows how to drive, he's only twelve, but I was wrong. 

He jump starts the car and speeds off down the road. After, what I think is, ten minutes we pull up outside a hospital, we rush in and people start shouting and rushing about. I succumb to the darkness.

When I wake up I hear the nurse explaining to Jay what happened to me, "She's been whipped with something sharp many times, her blood has been drained rather often and.." She hesitates to tell him the last thing.

"What happened to my sister?" He demands harshly, even his twelve year old self could get him something.

"She was raped."

"How many times?"

"The doctor said at least twice." My brother inhales sharply. "You need to be careful with her, and you can't force her to tell you about it. If she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to. Do you understand?"

"I know my twin better than you, I know how to treat her. She's my only family, a-am I allowed to see her now." The nurse must've nodded or something because Jay's face pops up in front of mine ten seconds later. His eyes big and warm, his smile small and familiar. "Nothing will ever split us up again, sister. Nothing..."


"Bry you okay?" Matthew asks me, sensing my emotions.

"Yeah, I just had a memory recall that's all."

"Really? What was it about?"

"It was after I got out of the courtyard, I ran for ages, I eventually found Jay. Which was when the pain overwhelmed me and I was rushed to hospital. A rather bittersweet evening dontcha think?"

"I'm happy you found each other again."

"Me too. Not only because I was trapped by a psychopathic megalomaniac." I say with a flourish, "We should probably get home now, we have a family to feed. You're helping me cook by the way." He chuckles and we continue walking back to the house, talking about our pasts and how they made us who we are.

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