Chapter 29

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Bryony's POV

"I hate all school assemblies!" I groan as we head to school.

"Really? This is Jesse and I's first one." Matthew says, all excited.

"Hunny no, we have to listen for like two hours about everything we've done during the school year. And then listen to our head of house moan about how little trophies we won."

"Jesse and I have only been going to this school for like three weeks, okay? Besides it's almost the summer holidays so cheer up."

Thank God we are in a car alone otherwise the others would've got involved and I couldn't put up with that. My back is still healing, the slow and painful way, currently taking all my energy so my attitude has not been the best the past week or so.

We pull up outside the school and park behind Jay's car like we normally do. Once out of the car a lot of girls turn and drool over Matthew, sending my possessiveness into overdrive. I grit my teeth to stop me from acting out.

"Hey," Matty wraps his hand round the back of my neck, his touch calming my raging emotions. "I'm yours, okay?" I nod tersely, before grabbing his hand and dragging him to tutor.

"Hey guys." Ella says enthusiastically, as we sit down at the table, our whole clan surrounding us.

"Hey." I say a put my head on my arms that rest on the table.

"You okay?" Jay asks, concerned for me.

"It hurts like a motherfucker. So yeah I'm fine. I've endured worse." I say with a grimace. Matthew continues to rub my arm, to keep me calm and to keep me from falling asleep.

"At least we're in here until fourth period." Chelsea says to lighten the mood slightly. "You can go to sleep, it's not like we're doing anything besides watching a film or two."

"Good idea." I mutter, my words muffled by my arms. I lift my head and double check that I've got my mothers necklace, wouldn't want to fall asleep and wake up screaming. I'm sure that would disturb the class.

"Hey nerd!" A football player shouts from behind me, I choose to ignore him. So he resorts to other methods, he throws a full pencil case at my injured back. I groan in pain, biting my tongue to stop me from screaming. The pain sears up my spine, I grind my teeth and take deep breaths until the pain fades.

"Are you alright?" Jesse asks, as I take short breaths to stop myself pulling on the stitches. I nod my head, having no intent to talk. I bury my head in my arms again and wait until the pain subsides.

"Well that hurt." I say softly. Matthew rubs my hand with a guilty look on his face. "It's not your fault Matthew."

He just hums in reply, I roll my eyes and return my eyes to the teacher. He winks at me, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. "Bryony can I speak to you?" The teacher asks.

"I don't know, can you?"

"Don't get snippy." I groan and follow him into the hallway.

"What?" I asks harshly, already bored of the conversation.

"Well I know you have a boyfriend, but he's not good enough for you. I think you'd prefer someone more mature and skilled." He says and brushes my cheek with his calloused hand. I smack it away and stare at him in disbelief.

"You're gross. You know that don't you?"

"I'm only twenty two, that only five years apart. I could make you happy, and you know it."

"No thank you." Thank God I picked my bag up before I left. I walk away and head straight to the library desperate for a peaceful escape. I open the back doors and sit on the grass outside the library. I pick up a book and begin to read, losing myself among the pages.

"Bryony, the whole school assembly starts in ten minutes you should be getting to tutor." The librarian says softly.

"I've been out here for three hours?"

"That you have, honey."

"Okay. Thank you for warning me, Miss." I place my book back in my bag and head back to tutor, my body squirming with dread. As soon as I walk in all heads turn to me, I return to my seat and lean my head on Matthew's shoulder.

"You feeling better?" He asks and kisses the top of my head.

"You mean about the creep of a teacher. Still freaked out about it." I told them all about it when they asked why I left.

"Well you don't have to worry about it." The bell for assembly goes, we all groan and head for the door. We line up for five minutes before we're lead into the hall. We take our seats and I lean forward to stop the seat from touching my wounds. Half way through the boring ass assembly, the back door opens and Valem struts in with around two dozen armed men.

Well that's not what I expected to happen today. He takes the headteacher's place at the podium and grins happily. "Sorry about interrupting whatever that was. But I'm here for some people, who are in a lot of trouble."

I roll my eyes at his stupidness, "So will Bryony and Jamie Danvers along with all your friends stand up please?" He says, his face smug. I just couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst into laughter. "There you are." He says watching me.

"Okay, okay. Ooh." I calm down slightly and stand up, the others following suit. "What can we do for you dickface?"

"Well I'm here for you, for all of you." I walk into the empty space between the students, my clan stood behind me.

"Good luck with that. Do you not remember choosing day?"

"No." He says worriedly, his face turning pale.

"Yes, we are the leaders. Therefore you and your limited abilities will fail no matter how hard you try. So I'll give you a choice, you leave with your tail between your legs never to be seen again. Or we kill you." The students and teachers gasp at my bluntness.

"Not likely."

"Good, I've been getting bored. Send your attack dogs." I wave my arms in exasperation, his soldiers flood towards us, so we fight. I shoot some, snap some necks, some I even paralyse for others to get rid of. In the end they're all dead on the floor, both Valem, and the students stare in horror at the scene. "Lets go, grab him." I point to Valem.

Jamie and Brandon walk over and grab him from the podium. "You can join Heinrich." 

"I wondered where he went." He says with an evil smile.

"Careful Zmeya, don't annoy me too much as I hold your fate in my hands."

We wipe our audience's memories with Jay's powers before making our escape back to our house. Thankfully that's the last time we'll ever have to go to school anyway. 

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