Chapter 7

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Jamie's POV

I walk back into the lounge and over to Penny, she takes my wrist in her hand and it begins to heal, Matthew watches in fascination.

"Awesome." He mutters to himself. Half an hour later Jace strolls out into the lounge with a grin on his face, at first I thought it went wrong but when he gets closer I can feel the energy around him.

"Did it work?" I watch for a few more seconds and reply.

"Yes it did."

"Well what do we do now?" He asks.

"Wait till B comes home. Where she will most likely kill us."

"How are we going to tell Bry?"

"We are just going to tell her." I hear the front door slam "She's back."

"Let's go." He takes a deep breath and readies himself. We walk through to the lounge where Bryony was stood drinking a bottle of water while Penny was talking to her. She must've heard us as she turns around, she looks at Jace first. Her eyes open wide and fill with tears, before we see them fall she disappears into her room.

"What did you guys do to make her so upset?" Matthew inquires.

"I'm not entirely sure." I admit.

Bryony's POV

He turned him. 

My brother turned my best friend. 

The one normal thing in my life has changed and he's Arisen I could see it in his eyes. I get changed and start to pace around my room, my tears threatening to lay waste to my face. Jamie will never understand, sure I wanted Jace to be immortal, sure I wanted him to be safe. 

So why was I say riled up about it? Was it because I didn't have a say in the matter? Or because I thought that Jace had thrown his life away? I stay in my room for another two hours trying to decipher why I was so upset about what had happened.

I hear a soft knock at my door, I open my mind to hear Matthew's kind thoughts on the other side. I slowly open the door and let him into my space. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.

"I'm not sure..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for the last two hours I've been trying to figure out why I'm so pissed. I want Jace to be immortal, I want him to be safe and now he is. But I feel like he's just thrown his whole life out the window, and that's the one thing I never wanted him to do."

"By the sounds of it, he really wanted this."

"How can you be sure?"

"I heard him talking to your brother. He said he loved you and wanted to protect you. That he wanted to be this way, to be part of your, I mean our, clan."

"Thank you." I say as I take his hand in mine, we both visibly relax.

"Of course." He hesitantly wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back passionately letting his calm soak into me. "I think you should talk to Jace and Jamie, they seem worried that you'll never speak to them again."

"I'm considering it."

"Forever is a long time." I groan knowing he was right.

"Fine." I say with a dejected sigh, before throwing my door open and walking into the lounge dragging Matthew with me.

"Bry, are you okay?" The chuckle brothers say at the same time.

"Seriously, that's a stupid ass question isn't it. You turned my best friend, the one mundane thing I had and you took it."

"He asked me to, he wanted to help me and Matthew protect you. He's strong he can protect you!" I burst into tears.

"I wanted him to have a normal life Jay! I didn't want him to change, especially not for me!"

"I chose to do this Bry." I turn to look at Jace, he was smiling at me, "I want to protect you with everything I have Bry, you're my baby sister. I can't lose you either."

"I love you guys. But please consider talking to me next time, I can't take the shock." They nod and wrap me in a group hug.

"I thought you were never going to speak to us again." Jace says quietly.

"You have Matthew to thank for that." I make eye contact with him over Jay's shoulder, he was grinning like a fool. The boys let me go and I walk over to Matthew. "Don't get cocky." I say with a grin.

"Wouldn't think of it." He replies returning my grin.

Jace's POV

So today is the day that Bry is finally going to show me Ella's favourite places and explain about everything that she's ever been interested in. I know I sound like a creepy stalker but I need to know this so that I can take her out on the perfect date.

"Bry come on, we have to get going." I shout up the stairs, she immediately barrels down the stairs into me.

"You're part of my clan now, so I'm in charge." She says through a laugh.

"Ooohh burn." I say sarcastically before turning to the front door getting ready to leave.

"Hey, whoa. We gotta wait for Matthew."


"Because... Ugh you know why. Matt we're leaving, are you still coming?"

"Yeah, just let me grab my shoes." He replies from the couch, he quickly grabs his shoes and ties the laces.

"Okay first stop the mall." Bry says with a grin, Matthew and I groan simultaneously. Guys hate the mall, having to sit around waiting for our girlfriends or our mothers, there are actual chairs for us. "Oh calm down we aren't actually going shopping, jeez, don't you know me at all?"

"Then why are we going?" I says as we walked down the path.

"First, you have to get her a gift." She settles into the front seat and turns the key. "So she loves roses, so we have to get some of those. Plus we have to get chocolate, because it's one of her favourite things on the planet." I nod along with the words whilst watching the roads go by, we park by the shopping centre and get out.

"God this place is everyman's personal hell." Matthew says from behind us. I roll my eyes at his comment as Bry starts laughing. "At least someone thinks I'm funny." He says happily, at that Bry rolled her eyes too.

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