i. fourty year old man

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bold; josh
bold italics; maya
matthews; joshua

bradley i hate you so much!!

this isn't bradley, but hey :)

who are you?

i should be asking you that because you kiked me first

hey im maya hart and i have the wrong person, goodbye

don't leave, you seem interesting

i don't even know you

hi im joshua matthews and you seem cool

matthews? i have a friend named riley matthews, do you know her?

yeah, she's my niece

omg you're a forty year old man

nah, more like seventeen

oh cool
im fourteen so you're still an old man

maya, the difference is 3 years

still older than me

so who is this bradley, if you don't mind me asking

my asshat of an (ex)boyfriend
but you know it's all good

oh, i'm sorry for asking

it's cool
say, how come i've never seen you at the matthews house

i live in philadelphia with my parents and only visit my brother once in a while

oh just wondering cause im always at their house

maybe i'll visit just to see you ;)

remember three year difference josh ;)


nickname i gave you just now

well maya, i gotta go
i'll text you

you don't even have my number

i do now
riley just gave it to me

bye josh :)

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