thirteen|| goodbye maya hart

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don't kill me but there are only a couple of chapters left and this one is really short

matthews; joshua

"so this is it, you're going back to philadelphia and im staying here."


"im going to miss you."

"ill miss you too hart, every single day."

"promise you'll keep in touch."

"i promise."

josh turned around and walk to his car. before he got in he turned around and waved goodbye to his favourite blonde girl.

maya let a weak smile onto her face and she wrapped her arms around herself.

josh returned the weak smile and got into his car.

maybe halfway through josh's drive he remembered, he remembered that he just left the girl he loves.

turning around real quick and making his way back to maya. josh smiled to himself as he pulled up to the matthews place, the last place he saw her.

he was about to park but then saw her. her blonde hair being the only thing he saw due to her facing the other way.

she wasn't alone, lucas was with her.

they were kissing.

her face held in lucas's hands as maya tippy toed to be closer to him. josh couldn't look, so he started back up his car and drove away.

josh knew something would happen to mess things up, he just didn't know it would come so fast.

sure they weren't dating, josh never asked her to be his girlfriend but he hoped someday it would happen. turns out someday is too late though, lucas friar already beat him to her.

"long game my ass." josh muttered to himself.

he played himself. he liked a girl. now he's the heart broken one.

"goodbye maya hart." josh sighed as he passed a sign.

   Welcome to Philadelphia
  population of 1.553 million


2 years later

maya and josh lost touch ever since that day two years ago.

maya made a huge effort trying to contact him but josh didn't even try. he deleted her number and blocked all messages from her.

yes it's was rude of him but he saw the girl he loves kissing his nieces ex-boyfriend.

riley even tried contacting her uncle telling him to let maya explain but josh couldn't take it.

josh is now in his second year of college while maya was a junior.

it was christmas now and josh was getting ready for dinner at the matthews household.

everyone was going to be there and that made josh even more nervous.

he was in his dorm staring at himself in the mirror, he has been doing this for hours. he had to make sure he looked perfect.

once josh was satisfied with his look he got his things and walked out of his dorm.

the matthews house wasn't far from NYU so josh decided to walk instead of drive.

on josh's way to the matthew's, he saw a girl and she was beautiful.



it was christmas and maya was excited. she spends every hoilday with the matthews and her family.

shawn and katy went to the matthews place early to help set up.

as for maya, she had to do some last minute  christmas shopping for her friends.

the store she went to barely had anything good so she ran around grabbing random items for auggie, farkle, lucas, zay and isadora.

maya made sure she got rileys present nine weeks in advance or else riley would end up with a toothbrush.

maya sighed as she picked up something for josh too even though she knew he probably wouldn't be coming this year.

maya paid for everything with money she'd been saving up.

she walked out of the store carrying the paper bags.

maya was smiling from ear to ear as she pulled out her out  phone and started playing on purpose by sabrina carpenter.

she had to admit it was a catchy song.

'but i guess that we did on purpose'

maya sang out the lyrics until she bumped into someone.

"watch where you're going jerk."

"jheez lady, maybe next time you should open your eyes."

"my eyes were wide open."

"ok chill."

maya rolled her eyes as she moved the hair out of her face as she reached for the guys hand.


sOOOO there are only couple of chapters left, im not saying how many because i don't want to sadden y'all. bUT there will most likely be a sequel!!!


stay cool loves💕
-ur fav flop jasmine

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