twenty five || new addition(s)

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years later

this chapter is about maya and josh's kids


" val hurry up! i still need to do my hair."

"oh cry me a river griff, you always look like a rat anyways."

" mom val's taking too long in the bathroom."

"griffin you have legs, use them to walk to the downstairs bathroom."




" what did your mom say."

"go to the downstairs bathroom."

"there, problem solved. now hurry up you're gonna be late for school."


now at the ages of 39 and 42, maya and josh had two teenagers. griffin and valentina.

griffin is 17 and now a junior in high school. whenever maya looked at him it reminded her of the good but complicated high school years. it also makes her feel very old.

maya always knew she only wanted two kids and that's what she got.

valentina, her youngest child. at only the age of 16 you can see and tell that she is maya's daughter. from the way she holds her ground, to her spunky, sarcastic attitude.

joshua matthews was so proud of his family. he and maya did such a great job raising their children. sure they have a lot of attitude but they are teenagers for gods sake.

surely the kids took mostly after maya but josh didn't mind at all. even though they looked and acted more like maya he was still content that he was apart of the process of making them. if ya know what i mean.

griffin looked up to his parents a lot. he loved their love story. when he was younger maya would tell him stories of how her and josh got together. griffin wanted that type of love. true love.


" val can you ride with mom today, i have something i want to do."

"why, so you can try and impress a certain someone? no thanks i rather embarrass you in front of this girl, whoever the poor soul may be."

"please val, i'll buy you fries."

" and i want 20 bucks."

" are you kidding? "

"do you wanna impress this girl or not."

"well y-yeah but-"

"shut up and hand me 20."

" i hate you."

"oh griffikins, you know you love me. xoxo your favourite sister."


although griffin wanted love it was hard for him to find. griffin was good looking no doubt about that. maybe that was his problem. he was an athlete and all around pretty boy, no girl could resist him.

the thing was, griffin absolutely hated attention of random girls who knew nothing about him. he's only ever had one girlfriend but that was in the first grade, when he was six.

griffin has went on so many dates trying to find the one but it always fails miserably.

valentina on the other hand is already in a relationship with a boy named tyler.

val didn't know how she got into a relationship before her brother. she cared for her brother deeply no matter how much they fight. the pair were inseparable. they were best friends.

it was val's mission to find the perfect girl for her brother even if it takes a whole new book.

is griffin really going to take val's advice?


froy gutierrez as griffin

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froy gutierrez as griffin

charlotte samuels as valentina

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charlotte samuels as valentina

IT'S OVER. CLOSE THE CURTAINS. it's actually over. wow i feel like a proud mother. sure the book wasn't perfect but i made this shittt. i'm so happy

so i didn't want to be basic and do the whole, the kids are young and maya and josh are all happy and shittt. instead i wrote it when the kids are older and maya and josh's story is closed. i wanted to write about how their kids are living and what they're going through.

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