vii. '♡'

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riley ran, she ran as fast as her lanky legs could take her.

when she reached maya's apartment she banged on the front door.

"maya! maya are you there?!" riley was screaming at the top of her lungs, tears streaming down her face.

when there was no answer, riley grabbed the spare key that was in a flower pot and unlocked the door.

the door flew open and riley ran to maya's room, where she was found unconscious.

"hello 911 what is your emergency?"

"hi, my best friend is unconscious and we are at..."

after telling EMS where they were and what happened riley called her uncle josh to him what's going on.

"riley?" he sounded like he was crying

"josh, im at maya's and i called EMS and im scared." riley rushed out her words hoping what she said wasn't true.

"riley, im almost there just hang tight." his voice cracked at every word.
once josh made it to maya's apartment she was being carried out on a stretcher with tubes and wires connected to her pale body.

"maya." the word came out as a whisper.

you could see the hurt on his face, you could even see the love for this young girl in his eyes.

"uncle josh!" riley screamed as she ran to her uncle.

they pair hugged as riley sobbed into her uncles sweater. josh fought his tears, he wanted to be strong for riley and maya

the paramedics asked the two a series of questions that neither of them could answer. all the questions were the same, 'what happened?'

neither riley or josh knew the answer because they didn't know what maya did just before going unconscious.

the paramedics said it was drug overdose. apparently there was an empty bottle of pills, and before she passed out she about to send a message.

'im so sorry but i can't keep living like this. im going to overdose on drugs and by the time you get to New York, I'll be dead. i love you so much thanks for being my friend, also tell riley I love her-maya"

the police couldn't tell who the message was for because the contact name was '💖'

the police tried finding who this mystery person was. there were no other texts to this person, meaning maya deleted the conversation.

riley knew who the message was for.

the message was for josh.

riley knew everything.

but josh was oblivious to it all.
longest chapter I've written ;) hey lovely people that read this book.



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