sixteen|| i still love you

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previously on girl meets world

"bay window, bay window right now."

now back to the problematic show of problematic people



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sitting in riley's room with a boy who ignored me for two years is quite awkward. i mean what are you supposed to say, "hey you ignored me for two years but i still love you."

yeah no, that's not how you start a conversation.

so i just sat and playing with my thumbs, seeing as my best friend took my phone.

we just sat in silence for a while until i heard a muffled groan come from somewhere in the room.

"are you guys kidding, you have nothing to say to each other?!"

that was riley.

that's when i realized that riley's phone was on her bed.

she's been listening to us.

i pick up her phone, "riley matthews, i will throw your phone out the window."

that when riley came through the door and jumped on me, grabbed her phone then dashed.

"gotta blast, see y'all later."

then it was just us two again. complete silence.


maybe sitting in silence isn't as fun as i thought it would be.

so i gave in, i made the first move.

"why'd you ignore me for two years?"

josh seemed to be knocked out of his haze and turned to look at me.


"why'd you ignore me for two years josh? what did i do?"

josh stared at me blankly before he sighed.

"you kissed lucas."

i was taken by surprise. when did i kiss lucas? sure there was an almost kiss in texas but that was so long ago it was a fading memory in my head.

my eyebrows furrowed together.

"i never kissed lucas."

"but then what did i see two years ago?!" josh said, starting to get frustrated.

"maybe you saw two different people that looked like me  and lucas!! jesus josh sometime you can be such a dumbass!!" maya huffed crossing her arms in frustration.

"i just thoug-"

"you just thought what?! you can come back and waltz into my life thinking it's okay after two years of ignoring me to have the nerve to think i kissed lucas?! my best friends boyfriend!! and to think, i still fucking love you!!" maya was crying at this point, tears streaming down her pale face.

josh didn't know what to do at this point, he was confused and in love.

so he did what any reasonable person would do, he hugged maya.

he held her for the sake of her to be comforted, and he needed her to be okay, even if they had unsolved problems between them.

josh didn't want maya to be that heart broken girl anymore, he wanted her to be his.

y'all i'm so sorry this took so long and it sucked but i've been stressed over unit tests, my independent study units (isu) and term one exams are coming soon.

also my writing is sooooo messy, like i transition between characters point of views to my own point of view, so i'm sorry. also my chapters are so short ughhhh but whatever.

this hiatus is still going on due to school and i'm superrrr sorry about that, but i'm always busy.

-ur fav flop jasmine❣️

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