eleven||tell her

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this story has 1.45k reads!!! you guys are amazing, i thought my book sucked and no one would read it. tHANK YOU!!!💞
joshua matthews

"mom, can i ask you something."

"sure josh, you can ask me anything."

i sit down on the couch beside my mom while she sips on her tea.

sure most kids feel awkward talking to their parents about personal things, but i really need help.

"what's bothering you?"

"so say there's this girl that my friend likes but she's younger than him. she also lives in another city. this girl is beautiful, smart, artistic, funny and an overall amazing girl. it's just my friend has never felt this way over a girl and he doesn't know what's happening, he's confused."

i spill my heart out to my mom hoping she doesn't actually know talking about me and maya.

"do you really feel that way about her."

i turn to my mom with a confused look on my face.

"yes i know who we're taking about."

i roll my eyes slightly and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

"mom I can help it, I mean every time I look at her I get this hollow feeling in my chest. like someone dug a hole into my heart."

"have you told her how you feel?"

"she knows."

that's when she slapped me, my mom slapped me.

"yeah right, like she knows."

she turned to me, looking like she's about to hit me with a bus.

"listen dumbass, I'm going to let you in on a secret that most guys have a clue about. women love words."

my eyebrows furrow together making it seem im as confused as ever, which i am.

"you need to tell her how you feel. just say it. just tell her the truth, say everything and anything that you want to say."


my mom smiled walking out of my room leaving me alone to think.
so this chapter was inspired by the talk that melissa mccall and scott mccall had. (teenwolf)

btw you're going to love the next chapter, it probably going to be the longest chapter ever


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