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joshuamatthews baby girl🌹tagged mayahart120 likes | 40 comments

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joshuamatthews baby girl🌹
tagged mayahart
120 likes | 40 comments

username she's so preTTy

username1 ew she's ugly

username username1 shut up probably look like an ogre

rileymatthews THATS MY BEST FRIEND

rileymatthews GO BEST FRIEND


joshuamatthews she's pretty isn't she rileymatthews

rileymatthews hush you stole her from me

username yo send me her number

joshuamatthews username its okay, shes kinda taken by me

farkleminkus tell your 'baby girl' to stop hitting me

joshuamatthews farkleminkus yikes dude you're on your own

farkleminkus ugh fine

username how'd you score her, you ugly

mayahart username i think he's cute

mayahart 💜💜

joshuamatthews mayahart 💜💜

lucasfriar gross

zaybabineaux lucasfriar boy, you're just mad you're a stale piece of white bread

joshuamatthews ^^

mayahart ^^

farkleminkus ^^

rileymatthews ^^

avamorganstern ^^

auggiematthews ^^

morganmatthews ^^

lucasfriar bullies


mayahart he's cute❣️tagged joshuamatthews 200 likes | 50 comments

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mayahart he's cute❣️
tagged joshuamatthews
200 likes | 50 comments

joshuamatthews who is he

joshuamatthews what's his number

joshuamatthews he seems cool

username ^^

rileymatthews joshuamatthews shut up

rileymatthews why post about him when you could post about me?

lucasfriar rileymatthews ill post about you

zaybabineaux lucasfriar all your posts are riley

farkleminkus zaybabineaux all your posts are about you or food

isadorasmackle he is cute

farkleminkus isadorasmackle SMACKLE

isadorasmackle farkleminkus go toast your white bread friend

mayahart isadorasmackle OH I GET IT😂 cause you can't roast bread you toast it

joshuamatthews mayahart you're adorable

mayahart joshuamatthews thanks i try 😊

bradley why date him when i'm much better

penetratorchris dramaaa

mayahart bradley i suddenly have amnesia, who are you

bradley the man of your dreams

mayahart bradley i hope you catch fire

bradley why waste the night with him when we'd have so much more fun 😉

mayahart bradley how did you even end up here, i blocked you

bradley i don't know but i feel so disconnected from you. can we try this again, i miss you

mayahart bradley no im happy now and i'd like it if you would fly away and let me be

bradley i understand, it was worth a shot

mayahart bradley you'll find someone good for you bradley, i wish you the best

bradley you too maya. i hope he treats you right and i'll always be your friend.

rileymatthews that was beautiful but can we carry on

zaybabineaux all that drama made me hungry

heyyyy!! i updated!! so exams are tomorrow and semester two is starting soon so i decided to update before i ghost.

also i tried something new, social media!! do you guys like it? i thought it would be cool.

much love 💛
-ur fav flop jasmine

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