3 I wish it was all a dream

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mixed with wails and cries of my baby daughter was the first thing I heard when I tried to open my eyes. But it seemed like a heavy weight was holding them down.
But hearing my Jenny calling for me gave me enough strength to open my eyes.

As soon as I opened them, they reflexly closed against the bright light.

Hearing my movements, my dad immediately shut the blinds and called for the doctor.
The first thing I noticed was the white hospital walls and my blue gown. I started panicking but then the doctor came.

He checked me thoroughly for my movements, reflexes, tenderness and general examination.
He left followed by my dad probably to enquire about what happened.

In the meantime, the nurse asked if I wanted anything and I asked for water but my voice came out hoarse.
She helped me in drinking considering my movements were limited because of the many needles and canula in my arms.
I immediately gulped down the entire glass feeling relief wash over my parched throat.

My attention then went to my daughter on my bed playing with my hair and trying to get my attention.
She came near my face, pushing herself in a sitting position and kept her tiny hands on both sides of my face.
She came closer kissing me on my cheeks, and suddenly tears blurred my vision.
"I love you so much my babygirl"
"I love you too mommy" She said in her baby voice and hugged me.
I too hugged her like she was my lifeline.
As she started squirming, I released her and then my dad entered taking her from me and handing her to the nurse who assured her that she will be taken care of in the baby care area.
I was reluctant but let her go considering I had to talk to my dad.

He looked at me but refused to meet my gaze.
"Dad" I called again
"I want to meet Dylan"
He stood, his back facing me but didn't answer. When he turned around, I could see tears in his eyes.
"Dad please say something, where is Dylan" I literally begged
"You are scaring me Dad, why are you  not answering me"
I was literally on the edge of breaking down.
I was hysterical.
"Please answer me" my voice came in a whisper.

He seemed conflicted but suddenly something shifted in me when he answered
"I am sorry, he couldnot make it"
A loud gasp left my mouth as soon as he said that
"Wh...what are you saying!"
"H...he...he couldnot make it"
"No...no..that is not possible...you are lying...i kn....know...he will come through this door and take me with him...we are marr...married...noth...nothing can happen to him...he will come" I was crying, begging for my dad to tell me that Dylan was waiting for me outside, that everything was okay.
But the look on his face only confirmed otherwise.
And it was enough to break me for the second time, leaving me completely shattered.
My dad immediately engulfed me in a big hug letting me cry it all out and stopping all my movements to run out of the door and find Dylan, whispering soft words in my ears telling me everything would be alright but it was like he was trying to convince himself too. And deep down, I knew nothing would be alright, atleast not anytime soon.

We were on our way to the airport. The driver was with us.
I and Dylan were in the backseat.
My hands on his lap and head on his shoulder with him kissing my forehead.

I lifted my head to look into his eyes, when suddenly there was a look of panic in his eyes.
Before I could decipher what was happening, he threw his body over mine like he was trying to cover me, protect me.

Within seconds, I felt a sudden jolt from the side like the car was hit by something.
I felt a sudden pain in my head and blood on dress, and heard Dylan grunt as if in pain. The car came to a sudden halt.

Panicking I looked over Dylan praying to God that everything was alright. With difficulty, I removed myself from under Dylan and as soon as I saw him, a scream left my mouth.
"Dylan, Dylan...look at me...please open your eyes"
"Amber" he said as if in pain
"I love you Amber, always, I know I will not survive this but I want you to be strong like you were before me, you have to be strong for our daughter...she needs you. You have to be strong for our family, to be their support. I have always loved you and will always love you. No matter what happens, I am always with you and I will look over you. I don't want you to cry over me but to move on and find someone who will love you for who you are and don't settle for anything less than you deserve. We were probably not meant to be".

"No...you cannot leave me. I know you will be with me. We will be together and have a huge family like you always wanted.
And you are not saying anything about me being with someone else because you are not going anywhere. You are staying with me".

"Love, listen to me"

"No, No, you listen to me, you are not going anywhere"

"shh love, listen I love you and tell our daughter I love her too. When she grows up, tell her that I loved her so that she knows and remembers me and grows up to be a beautiful young woman. And I want you to move on. You are young and beautiful. Don't shut yourself. I want you to enjoy and find a man that you deserve and settle down. But don't compre him to me. You have to leave me behind and I know you are strong and you can do it. Promise me so I can leave my two favourite girls peacefully".


"Promise..please, I am dying"
Loud sobs left my mouth

"promise me please"

"i pro...promise"

Someone had already informed the ambulance which arrived shortly. We were taken to the hospital and throughout the ride, I held his hand, with him slipping in and out of consciousness.
As soon as we reached, he was taken to surgery and soon I also found myself being engulfed by darkness.

I wanted everything to be alright but somewhere deep down, there was a nagging feeling saying otherwise.

Flashback over

As soon as I remembered our last moments, loud sobs raked my body.
I wish it was all a dream, only it was the stark reality of my life, of my shattered dreams.

"Dad, I want to see Dylan for the last time, please"
I could see dad trying to keep in his tears.

"Babygirl, I am sorry"

"Please dad, please"

"Darling, the funeral was two days ago"

"What! No! How could it happen without me. How could you"
"Oh my God! How long was I unconscious for"
"Four days"
And with that my hysteria came back to me.
"I couldn't even see him for the last time"

My dad immediately called the doctor and he injected me with something and soon I slipped back into unconsciousness.

I had never expected for the day to turn disastrous as it did when in the morning, we had been so happy and planning our honeymoon.
There seemed no hope at all and I had no idea what turn will my life take next.

I just hope there was some light left in my life. Only if I knew that Dylan was right when he said he would look out for us. He sent us our light.

Hey lovelies
That's it for this chapter
Tell me how you like it
This was longer than the other two!!
And this was the third update in a day...yay!!

Vote and comment please

Bye bye (:
(until next time)

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