9 The office times

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Aauuu, definitely not a dream!!

Thank you so much guys :*

You all are simply awesome!!!


DAMIEN'S POV (of the same day as Amber's first day at his house)

I was in my home gym when I heard the doorbell. Must be the new housekeeper, I thought.

Martha not fussing over me early in the morning, seemed a little out of schedule. She could be pretty stubborn when she wanted to be but I knew she cared for me like her own son. She deserved a break from her overbearing and difficult employer, as she so often called me. I smiled as I thought about her.

As I opened the door, there she stood Amber dressed in all black, clearly nervous for her first day. I let her enter after making sure she calls me by my first name which surprised me too, and asked her to prepare breakfast by the time I am ready for work. I left grumbling for a quick shower and selected my usual black suit with a white shirt. Grabbing my suitcase, I made my way downstairs.

Looking through the business section of the newspaper, I could hear Amber in the kitchen. Within seconds, she appeared with my plate, and immediately disappeared back into the kitchen. The breakfast obviously tasted different than Martha's, but a good different. I smiled thinking about it. There was a certain homey feeling about it. I could get used to this.

As soon as the thought entered in my mind, I pushed it out. I do not need anyone, especially not a young, 21 year old messing with my mind. Finishing my breakfast, I walked into the kitchen. After informing her about dinner and the shopping bills, I made my way to my favourite ride, my black Bugatti Veyron.

The ride to my office in the twenty-storey building of D&D corp. was a short one. Looking at the board of the building, I swallowed the lump in my throat that suddenly threatened to tear me up. I composed myself and stepped into the elevator. As I stepped in to my office on the top floor, I was greeted by my receptionist cum PA, Nina.

"Good morning Sir" she wished with a calm that I liked about her.

"Good morning Nina" I replied evenly.

Inside my office, I was greeted by the familiar site of my business partner cum best friend, Alex, short for Alexander, lounging on my couch.

He looked up from his phone hearing me enter.

"Hey br..." he suddenly stopped, "you are different today, almost smiling! No not the I-won-an-oscar-kind-of-happy, but there is certain something about you today, and that is certainly not nothing considering the fact that The Damien Reed never smiles" he stated, narrowing his eyes.

"Listen Alex, don't start early in the morning. I am busy and have no time for any nonsense"

"Ahh, I see" he said pretending to be thinking by stroking his imaginary beard. "Is it, by any chance something to do with Martha leaving or maybe the new housekeeper" he asked with an annoying smirk plastered on his face. I already regretted telling him about Martha leaving temporarily.

"It has not to do with anything, considering there is nothing unusual about me today"

"Aye Aye Captain, whatever you say!" was his smart reply.

"Just tell me to what do I owe your annoying presence early in the morning?"

"I missed you" he stated, trying to pout seductively, making me groan inwardly.

"I have no idea why do I even tolerate him. And Martha thinks I am overbearing" I sighed, mumbling lowly.

"Does Cara know about your recent interests?" I asked smirking. He immediately straightened, clearing his throat loudly.

"Dude, not funny" he replied groaning.

Cara was his wife of six months who had Alex wrapped around her little finger to the extent that it was almost funny. There was nothing he would not do with the puppy dog eyes that Cara knew he so easily fell for, and she used it ever so often to get her way.

But that's not all. Cara went all gorilla on him if things did not go her way. She had her unique ideas of punishment too which were actually hilarious only if you were not at the receiving end. I have been lucky so far but could not say the same about Alex. But surprisingly, The Alex who never listened to anyone, did to her. Man, he was whipped!

The most recent punishment was for a drunk Alex. After a successful business deal, me and Alex had a small celebration at a club. He was pretty much drunk out of his senses (strike 1) when I dropped him home to a fuming Cara after midnight (strike 2), the cherry on top being he would not let go saying he did not want to go back to his crazy wife (strike 3). Well, there was no saving him then.

The next day, Cara had him cut the grass in their backyard garden with a pair of scissors for a full two hours, with the chanting mantra, "my wife is not crazy". The pun though. Only Cara can think of things like that. No idea where she gets the ideas from.

"Oh but it is" I smirked as he huffed.

"I just came to discuss about the recent deal with the Andersons'" and that was how we spent the better half of the morning.

Somewhere in the middle of the discussion, I zoned out thinking about a certain pair of brown eyes that held so many emotions in them. The ringing of Alex's phone brought me out of my thoughts.

This was the first time I was distracted from work and that bothered me. Never before had that happened, not even with Miranda. Just thinking about her was enough for anger to take over my body as my hands fisted and body shook.

Alex ended the call and sensing the change in my mood asked, "you okay?"

I nodded stiffly thinking about all the past events.

"She is not worth your time dude" Alex stated simply and walked back to his cabin giving me some time to cool down.

Sometimes I hated that he could read me so easily but other times I was grateful to have him. We have gotten closer after the Miranda incident four months ago. I am happy that atleast something good came out of my messed up relationship. She had almost wrecked his and Cara's marriage too, almost!

As much as I avoided the topic, I was happy that it distracted me from thinking about my gorgeous housekeeper. I cannot let another girl play with my mind, especially not Amber. She was lethal. Not that there would be anything with her or anyone for that matter, atleast not in the near future, I had to keep myself away from the temptation in my home.

I groaned thinking about her lavender and jasmine smell filling my senses when she is near me, and the thought of returning to an empty home smelling like her was enough for me to want to take her in my arms and have my way with her. I did not want to make the same mistake again. But she was nothing like Miranda and there was something about her that compelled me to keep my distance. Something in her eyes that made me want to hold her, protect her and not let her go, ever.

And this feeling alone was enough to bring me back to my senses and immerse in my work. Like a bucket of cold water being splashed on a winter morning.


Hey my hunny bunnies,

How was the chapter? How do u find Alex and Cara? *awwww time*

And something more about Miranda. There will be more as the story progresses...don't worry!

And we know now why there was no chemistry earlier, or it was there though one sided but couldnot be acted upon!!

It took me quite a while to come up with this chapter coz it was something other than the regular storyline that was going on...so please please comment and tell me how did you find it!!

And don't forget to vote...they make me want to continue!!

Byeeeee for now, happy reading :)

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