16 Realisation

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It had been silent for a few seconds before Damien entered and a loud squeak was heard by Damien stepping on the plastic Barbie doll.

Jenny who had been busy with the teddy bear till now looked in his direction and grinned.

Looks like even a baby is affected by Damien's presence, I sighed thinking.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Jenny crawling over to him. As she stood up with support and Damien looked down at her, I was afraid about how Damien would react.

I wasn't afraid of him getting angry at Jenny, no, he would never hurt her.
But I was afraid if he would burst on me for bringing a baby to his place in his absence and creating all the mess.

And looking at the condition of the living room, I couldn't be blamed for thinking that. Well nobody would want to return to a place that looked like it was hit by an earthquake, after a tiring day at work. I grimaced thinking about it.

Damien surprised me by picking up Jenny and talking to her as if they were long lost friends. But soon there was a small smile playing on my lips, looking at them.

Before I could stop myself, I had provided him with Jenny's name which she could not say clearly.

It was quite for a moment before Jenny blurted out "Dadda" while touching Damien's face.

I immediately froze in my place hearing her.
Then she turned towards me and said, "Mamma, dadda, dadda" while pointing at Damien.
But I remained rooted at my place.
I couldn't move. I couldn't even look at Damien to gauge his reaction.
I felt my body going numb. And I am sure that Damien sensed my reaction.

Jenny probably didn't get the desired response from me due to which she shrieked loudly and started sobbing while hiding her face in his neck still chanting 'dadda'.

This has never happened before.

She is usually not this stressed even at home when me and dad talk about Dylan.

She has never acted this way before, ever, or I would know.

Her crying brought me out of my thoughts and I went to Damien to take Jenny from him, and she reluctantly let him go after sometime.

My insides hurt seeing her like this.

I never realised that she missed Dylan so much.
Probably that's the reason she called Damien 'dadda' because he is the first male after Dylan she has come in contact with, except dad.

Am I being too selfish.

I know she needs a male figure in her life.

Is my stubbornness affecting her so much!

After taking Damien's permission, I took a still upset Jenny to one of the guestrooms, wiping her tears on the way.

A few tears fell from my eyes seeing my baby like this.
And in that moment, my resolve strengthened, and Vanessa's words made sense.

I have to stop being selfish and stubborn.

Jenny is my first priority!

But that doesn't mean that I will start looking for a father for my baby...we both need a man who will love us unconditionally, a certain someone for me and a dad for Jenny.

As I reached the room, I lay down Jenny on the bed and lied beside her. She was crying clutching onto me with her face buried in my chest.

In that moment, both mother and daughter cried out all the pent up emotions.

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