21 Things falling into place

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Things have been going good these past couple of months. Finally everything seemed like falling into place...not yet, but soon.

Jenny is growing fast and we share an even stronger bond now. Damien has been helping me with Jenny. He is always there to make sure that she is fine.

Earlier, I had doubts about us, about things moving too fast and Damien finally deciding in the future that he did not need us in his life after all. That he will hurt Jenny in the process. But seeing both of them together puts my thoughts to rest. I want to leave everything to chance for once.

Dad goes out more now. He is going back to his life that he put on hold for us. One of his friends from school offered him a position at his textile company. Nothing too hectic, just overlooking everything. Seeing dad happy makes me happy. He is more happy, calm and satisfied.

Jenny stays most of the time with me at Damien's place. While I do my job, she crawls everywhere behind me. It exercises her limbs and tires her out. So while I attend my online courses during the afternoon, she naps, giving me ample time to myself.

We three have established a small routine of a once daily phone call after she wakes up from her nap. It connects us and makes our bond stronger.

It all started when once Jenny randomly dialed Damien's number while he was in a meeting. I was scared he would be angry at me but instead he offered that we make it a routine. That it would make him happy listening to us and the rest of his day would pass peacefully since he could not see Jenny everyday.

We both spend the grocery shopping time together and it also gives me an opportunity to familiarize her with some basic things like flowers, colours, shapes etc. She is quite smart for her age. But I try not to overdo anything.

And if we have sometime at our hands, I take her to a park on our way back. She has managed to make a couple friends her age and I could not be more grateful. I want her to grow according to her age and not miss out on any experience of childhood.

Speaking of friends, she has had a few play dates with Hannah and Ethan, and Alena too is quite fond of her. Even I and Alena have grown closer over time.

Me, Beth and Becca are like inseparable sisters. Even they have accepted Alena quickly and made her a part of our group. It is like she was always there. We regularly have a ladies' day out with Jenny especially on Sundays, since that is when we are all free. Sometimes both Hannah and Ethan tag along too.

Ethan basks in all the attention he gets. The kids together are a nightmare. They create chaos out of everything
they lay their hands on. Even sweet Hannah is now a part of the gang.

I and Vanessa have grown closer too. And we can share everything with each other without making the other uncomfortable. Though, whenever she brings up Dylan's topic, it twists something inside me. But I cannot be selfish.

He was her brother too and their bond was stronger than ours. So to not make her feel guilty about her feelings, I try to make her speak to me as much as possible about him. And I can feel in her face that she needs to let it out too. That she needs closure too.

As much as it hurts to lose your twin, some things need to be let out. And because we both have lost someone we dearly loved, it gives us a common ground to understand what the other is feeling.

She isn't close to Maria. Not that Dylan was. But seems like there is a different reason with Vanessa's case. I don't really know what Maria's story is but I can safely say that she means no harm to her children. I have seen the longing in her eyes for her children and then sadness and guilt after Dylan's death.

Maria still holds me responsible for Dylan's death. As much as I want to hate her for all the insults hurled at me, I can hate her as a person, not as a mother. Especially when I had expected from her to accept me as her daughter by marriage. For her to be the mother I had lost as a child.

Clint, on the other hand, is a sweetheart. He keeps in touch and asks about our well being regularly. We are family, he says.

Damien, umm...the 'thing' between us is progressing. I am still afraid to give 'us' a name. Before going to the office every morning, he kisses my cheek and I must say I look forward to it daily. He also makes sure to kiss Jenny on the forehead too.

While he does not expect me to kiss him back, he makes Jenny plant a kiss on his cheek. And the playful Jenny that she is smacks a big open mouthed sloppy kiss.

The first time she did that his reaction was worth capturing making us both fall into a fit of giggles. But when he merely grabbed her from her and ticked her for a full minute, it was Jenny's ticket to get away with it everyday. And a wonderful start of our day, everyday.

Sometimes when he comes home early, he makes sure to spend time with us, like a family, telling us all about his day and asking about ours.

He calls me "beautiful" or "sweetheart" anytime he could and my heart flutters everytime.

He was taking things slow, giving us time to be comfortable around each other. We avoided personal topics because once I had asked about his family, all he had said was he had a mother, a father and two younger siblings. And then he had shut himself out. It was probably a rough topic and so I made sure to not bring up the topic, unless he was ready to open up to me on his own. Afterall, it would not be fair to expect him to open up to me when I was not ready for the same.

Everything was going smooth, too smooth and I was afraid if it was the calm before the storm.


Yippeeeee, another update today!

I hope you like this :)

Don't get angry because I did not know how to introduce the next chapter without this...

Thank you so much!!

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