19 Caring for him

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Today when I entered the Reed mansion, something seemed different. The newspaper had yet not been collected from the door, there was no noise from the gym and it was unusually quiet.

It could mean that Damien had already left but walking into the kitchen, there was nothing out of place. It was exactly like I had left it in the evening yesterday.

And it was strange considering Damien makes a point to have his breakfast because his lunch timings are rather irregular.

Walking upstairs into the master bedroom, I knocked on the big mahogany door and all I got in return was a loud groan. I entered nervously, with my eyes half closed in case Damien wasn't decent.

But my eyes widened immediately when I saw him lying on the king sized bed, looking pale. He looked weak and tired and simply not well. The room was dark and the blinds were still shut giving everything a dull and sick look.

"Oh God, what happened to you?"

"Nothing. I am fine" he spoke in his hoarse voice.

"You look anything but fine" I said moving further into the room and unfolding the blinds to let some sunlight in. Just doing this, the entire room brightened up giving it a fresh feel. I also opened the windows to let some fresh air in.

"What are you doing? There is a reason I did not get up myself and did that" he spat.

Oh, so Mr. Reed gets groggy and grumpy when sick. Point noted.

"And the reason being you are too weak to get up, Mr.Reed" I spoke with a sickly sweet smile.

"Will you just go away and leave me alone? You can have the day off"

Instead I moved over to him checking his forehead. And sure it was burning.

"Take your cold hands away"

"Well sir, my hands aren't cold, you are hot" I immediately bit my tongue when I looked at the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"So, you think I am hot!"

"O..oh..I..I..meant you are burning up" I said looking anywhere but him.

"That hot!" he spoke amused as my cheeks burned up.

"You know what I mean"


I ignored him, looking over him all covered in sweat.

How did I miss this.

I looked for a thermometer which I found in the cabinet below the sink in the bathroom.

Showing him the reading, he merely rolled his eyes.

"Now that we have it out of the way that you are sick, when did this happen"

"Yesterday after the meeting"

"So..um...it could be food poisoning?" he just pointed to the bin just under the bed.

Seriously Amber, you missed that too.

And the smell.

"Its not my mistake. May be I am just used to the smell of Jenny's potty and vomiting"


"Yes. But Alex and the clients seemed fine" he grumbed bringing me back to present.

"Or may be you had something they did not have. Have you eaten anything since then?"


I just shook my head

He is just a big baby!

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