Hi! Two things before the chapter starts! 1. Make sure you follow us on Instagram to stay updated and get chapter previews! @after.newsies 2. I'm gonna start having pictures at the top that reference to some part of the chapter so click on the picture to see the whole thing and enjoy! XOXO CLARA
Jordyn POV:
I quickly walked down the cold New York streets, pushing my way through people.
"Jordyn I can't keep up!" Josh screamed. Kid doesn't know how to make his way through the city. He finally caught up to me and shoved the last piece of bacon in his mouth. "Where are we going?" He asked.
"Don't ask questions just follow me." I said. After a long walk we were finally here.
"Ice skating?" Josh asked confused.
"Yep. Come on!" I smiled. I ran down and rented a pair of skates and put them on.
"Are you aware I'm going to fall on my ass?" Josh laughed.
"That's the funny part!" I laughed. Josh finally got his skates on and we headed out to the ice. I held his hand as he cautiously stepped onto the ice. Once he was on the ice he took one step and started to fall. I died laughing as he continued to try to take steps but just fell down. After an hour of him trying to skate we sat down on the bench and took a break.
"I think I broke my butt bone." Josh said rubbing his ass.
"Well you did fall like a thousand times." I laughed. "I've missed your simpleness." I said resting my head on his shoulder.
"So, you keep in touch with the rest of the cast?" Josh asked.
"Not as much as I should. I haven't seen any of them in over a year and the only time I do communicate with them is liking an Instagram post." I said. "You?"
"Yeah I keep in touch with mostly everybody! Skys actually coming up today." Josh said.
"Are you serious? Oh my gosh! Can I see him?" I said. Sky fucking Flaherty. That kid means so much to me. He has done so much for me. And all I did was break his heart.
"Yeah! He actually just texted me that his train just arrived. Wanna go pick him up with me?" Josh asked.
"Um of course! I haven't seen SkyBelle in forever!" I laughed. We returned our skates and headed out to meet Sky. "Come on, faster!" I laughed pulling Josh behind me. We arrived at the train station and I frantically looked around for Sky. Why am I so excited to see him? I felt somebody's arms wrap around me and I was lifted off the ground and spun around. I huge smile appeared on my face and I burst out in laughter. The arms let go of me and I turned to see Sky. I wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed him in a hug.
"Hi yeah, I'm here too!" Josh said. I laughed and let go of Sky so he could give Josh a hug. He let go of Josh and I grabbed him in another hug.
"I missed you so much!" I said tears forming in my eyes.
"I'm only ever a phone call away Jordyn" sky smiled.
"Well I wish you were only a door away." I said. I let go of our hug and he laughed and messed up my hair. "I take back what I said!" I laughed fixing my hair. Sky has gotten me through so much ever since me and Ben broke up. He was there when it happened, he let me cry for hours in his arms. I turned to him for everything. But soon we started talking less and less and then finally no more. It sucked.
"So I thought you two hadn't talked in forever." Sky said.
"We hadn't. But I ran into him and Ben yesterday." I said.
"Ben?" Sky asked. "And how did that go?"
"I will tell you about later. I say we go down to the pizza parlor and get some food." I smiled.
"I say we go to Josh's apartment so I can put my bags away." Sky laughed. We turned and caught a cab to Josh's apartment. Which means Ben. Jordyn you are 21 now, you can't run from your problems. You have to face them. The cab arrived at their apartment and I jumped out behind Josh. Sky got out and grabbed my hand. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me close to him. "You know I'm always here for you right?" He said. I looked into his eyes and for a brief moment forget all the pain I've gone through. For a brief moment I forgot about life itself. It was just me and Sky. No drunk ex boyfriends, no brothers making out with your best friend, just us. I swear his smirk could kill, it melts my heart every time. Josh's scream ripped us out of our world and back to reality.
"HELP, THIS BAG IS HEAVY!" Josh screamed. I let go of Skys hand and ran over to help Josh.
"Josh you are such a wimp." I said grabbing the bag out of his hand. We carried the bags up to their apartment and Josh unlocked the door.
"BEN WE ARE BACK!" Josh screamed as we set down all of Skys bag. One of the doors flew open and Ben sprinted out like a little puppy and grabbed Sky in a hug. Maybe he hasn't changed as much as I thought. Ben let go of sky and turned and saw me.
"Jordyn, didn't expect to see you here." Ben said.
"Hi." I said.
"I'm just gonna go put my bags away." Sky said breaking the awkward silence.
"I'll go with you!" I said. I followed him into what I'm guessing is Josh's room. He set down his bags and just grabbed me in a hug. How did this kid always know how to make me feel better. I had nowhere else to turn. I can't talk to Maura or Parker right now, and ben...well.
"So what happened?" Sky asked sitting down on Josh's bed.
"Well I ran into Ben yesterday and then he called me totally hammered. I brought him to my apartment and he tried to take my shirt off." I said.
"Wait wait, little Ben got hammered and I missed it?" Sky laughed.
"Sky!" I laughed gently punching his arms. "And then today I caught Parker and Maura making out." I said. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Ugh when did life get so complicated?"
"The same time the tour ended." Sky said lying next to me.
"The glory days." I laughed.
"Have you seen Wren recently? She's so grown up!" Sky said.
"And Vincent and Anthony. They are teenagers now!" I said.
"Where did the time go?" Sky asked.
"Down the drain just like me and Ben's relationship." I laughed.
"Speaking of relationships are you going to Jeffs wedding next month?" Sky asked.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I laughed.
"Nothing has changed has it?" I said.
"Listen, about Parker just go talk to him. He's your twin." Sky said.
"But he did this behind my back!" I said.
"Jordyn." Sky said grabbing my cheeks.
"Yes?" I smiled.
"Go talk to him." Sky said. He kissed my forehead and then stood up, letting go of my cheeks. We headed out and Josh and Ben had their coats on waiting at the door. So, this is happening.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...