So I wrote two chapters today and wanted to publish this because I have a REALLY good chapter coming up soon that you all should look forward to so get excited! Anyways, keep commenting and here's a double chapter day!
Ben POV:
"Ben do I get to leave tomorrow morning?" Melina asked.
"Yes and then you will go and get to do the show and be cosette tomorrow for the Wednesday show." I smiled.
"Hey Ben?" Melina said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I love you." Melina smiled.
"I love you too Princess." I said kissing her forehead.
"Hey wanna hear a joke?" Melina asked.
"Of course!" I smiled.
"Knock knock." Melina laughed.
"Who's there?" I replied.
"Ben, it's Marissa." Jordyn said coming into the room.
"No its interrupting cow!" Melina said.
"Hey Ben, can I talk to you in the hallway for a second?" Jordyn asked.
"Sure. Give me one minute Melina, here's the remote to the tv." I said and followed Jordyn into the hallway.
"Ben remember Marissa?" Jordyn asked.
"That bitch who kissed me at the stage door and tried to break us up?" I asked. Shit I remember her.
I ran down the restaurant we had eaten at the first night we were here. The guy Austin that Jordyn had talked to was still there.
"Hey, aren't you Jordyns boyfriend?" Austin asked.
"Yeah, hey I have a question for you." I said.
"Shoot." He replied.
"Do you know a girl named Marissa?"
"Red eyes, devil horns sticking out of her head? Yeah I know her." Austin said.
"What's up with her and Jordyn?" I asked.
"They were best friends when they were little. All 3 of us. But because Jordyn had all brothers, she would sometimes dress like them. Marissa made fun of her and told her she wanted to be a boy and got the whole school to call her a boy. Jordyn got so mad that one day in art she cut Marissas hair. They have been sworn enemies ever since." Austin said.
"Go Jordyn!" I laughed.
"Marissa has been out to destroy Jordyns life ever since elementary school." Austin continued.
"That makes so much sense. Last night at the stage door she was there and when I went over to ask her to leave she kissed me. And that moment was right when Jordyn came out. Jordyn went back in before she saw me push her away and get security. So now Jordyn hates me and won't talk to me so I can explain what happened." I explained.
"The one person who is always able to get through to her is Parker." Austin said.
"I know but he won't answer my calls. Do you know where Marissa is or where she would be at this time of day?" I asked.
"Actually I know exactly where she is. Table 7 with her posey." Austin said. I thanked Austin and went back to table 7 to see Marissa.
"What the hell is your problem!" I asked her.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...