Ben POV:
Well. This is awkward. I sat in the taxi cab, my legs pressed against Jordyns. Josh sat shotgun and Jordyn sat inbetween me and Sky. Equally as close to both of us, like she's torn between us. She kept her hands in her lapped and stared at her hands, not making eye contact with either of us. I looked out the window at the rain that had started to fall a couple of minutes ago. With how cold it is out you would think it would be snow. The raindrops rolled down the window of the yellow taxi cab, racing each other to see who would reach the end first and win the prize. But what is the prize? I looked over at Sky and he was staring out his window too. What was he thinking? What was Jordyn thinking. She didn't look up or around or anywhere other than her hands. What could possibly be running through her head? The taxi stopped and we followed Sky out of the taxi. I pulled my hood over my head as the cold hair hit my skin. Jordyn rubbed her hands together and shoved them in her pockets. Her hands are gonna freeze.
"Here Jor, wear these." I said offering her my gloves.
"I'm fine." She said in a monotone voice.
"Jordyn I'm not letting your hands freeze. You can hate my guts, go ahead. But I'm not gonna stop caring about you. Now put these on and I'm not taking no for an answer." I said. She reluctantly grabbed the gloves out of my hands and shoved them on hers.
"Thanks." She said. Josh and Sky went in to see how long the wait was and me and Jordyn stayed outside. We sat in silence on a cold metal bench.
"Jordyn you can't be mad at me for something I did when I was drunk." I said breaking the silence between us.
"I'm-" Jordyn said but stopped herself. She took a deep breath and pulled her hair in front of her face. She feels uncomfortable, she always does that when she doesn't feel comfortable. "Not mad." She said. Wait what? My stomach flipped inside of me, I wasn't expecting her to say that. "You broke up with me, Ben. You are the one who called it off. And then you start dating this Mandy girl and stop talking to me. Then 2 years later you show up, call me drunk and tell me you love me. It's a lot to take in less than 24 hours." She said. "I fell in love with you when I was 17. I was still just a kid and so were you. Kids who were in love. Now we are 21 Ben. We aren't kids anymore. We've changed. And I don't like how you've changed. The Ben I fell in love with would not just cut me off and go out and get hammered." Jordyn said.
"That isn't me Jordyn. Hell, that's only the second time I've drank since I turned 21. I only did it because I couldn't handle seeing you again. I thought I could drink away my problems but that was obviously a mistake. And I broke up with you because I didn't want to hurt you. You are such an amazing girl and you deserve so much more than I could've given you. You deserved somebody who could be with you and not all the way across the country. I did it for you Jordyn. You think that was easy? You think it was easy making that phone call. Wanna know what happened after that phone call? I chucked my phone at a wall, shattering it and cried. I cried for 3 hours. I cried every day for the next 2 weeks and then I started dating Mandy. To try and get over you. Well it didn't work. Nothing has worked because I can't get over you! You are too damn perfect and my life is empty without you. My life has been a living hell without you in and I haven't been truly happy." I practically screamed. Jordyn stared at me, her eyes showing pity and sorrow. We stared at each other for a minute. I just want to grab her and kiss her and tell her everything will be ok cuz I'm here now. But I know I can't. She opened her mouth to start to speak but was interrupted by Sky and Josh coming out.
"There's a 2 hour wait. Everybody is trying to get out of the rain to eat." Josh said.
"You know what, I better go anyways. I need to talk to Parker." Jordyn said standing up.
"I'll go with you!" Me and Sky both said at the same time. We both looked at each other as Jordyn looked back and forth between us.
"I'm just gonna go alone, it's a twin thing. You understand, right Ben?" Jordyn asked.
"Yeah, I get it." I said. Jordyn pulled her hair in her face again. Poor girl. She turned and walked away, her hair soaked from the rain.
"Well as fun as this has been can we go inside somewhere? I'm soaked." Sky laughed. The guys turned but I stood there watching Jordyn get further and further away. She turned back for a moment and our eyes met, but she quickly turned back around and kept walking. I stood there, alone in the rain. Damn it Jordyn, why are you so hard to forget.
Parker POV:
I messed up. I really messed up. I should've told Jordyn that me and Maura were dating. In my defense it's only been a week...or 2. IM THE WORST BROTHER OUT THERE. I tried calling her but she hasn't answered. She hasn't been this mad at me since we were 12 and I cut her American girl dolls hair. She didn't talk to me for a week. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Please be Jordyn, please be J. I opened the door to see Jordyn standing in my doorway. She looked a mess. She was soaking wet, her makeup was running down her face, her hair was dripping water. There were tears in her eyes and you could see the pain she was feeling. I tried to grab her in a hug but she stepped back. All she did was just stare at me. This is killing me. Her face looked so innocent, she looked like a kicked puppy. My eyes started to water up at the sight of her, at the fact that I can't just hug my sister.
"J I'm sorry." I said, hot tears streaming down my face.
"How could you keep this from me?" Jordyn asked quietly.
"I don't know, I didn't want to make you mad and-" I started but she cut me off.
"How long?" She asked.
"2 weeks." I said. She wiped a tear from her eyes, looking down and smudging her makeup more. "Jor, you know I would never hurt you on purpose." She looked back up and me and then grabbed me in a hug, catching me by surprise. She buried her head into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.
"Parker what do I do?" She cried. This isn't about me and Maura. This is about Ben.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...