Jordyn POV:
"LETS GO PEOPLE COME ON! I CAN NOT BE LATE TO MY OWN MOVIE PREMIERE!" I screamed. Maura came sprinting out of one of the rooms wearing a short purple poofy dress.
"Ok I'm ready!" She smiled. I threw her her purse that had fallen behind the couch. "Ok NOW I'm ready!" She laughed. I was wearing a long tight blue dress and had my hair half up half down with lots of curls.
"WHOEVER ISNT OUT IN THE NEXT 30 SECONDS ISNT GOING!" I screamed. Ben, Josh, Sky, and Parker all came sprinting out of the other room. They all wore black tuxes.
"I feel like James Bond in this tux." Ben smiled looking himself over.
"Mines too tight!" Josh whined. "It's choking me!" He said pulling on the collar of his tux.
"I told you to try it on last week!" I said. "Ok we need to go! The limo is waiting!"
"My sister is a movie star, this is so cool." Parker said. We all filed out of the apartment and headed down to the limo. Once we were in the limo my nerves kicked up.
"Ok guys. When we get there, there's going to be a lot of people with cameras. Now they will recognize me and Parker but the rest of you will get off easy. Me and Parker will be taken straight to the red carpet by security and you 4 will be taken off to the side. They will snap pictures of me and Parker together then separate and then they will have you 4 join us for a couple pictures and a couple individuals of you two. When you guys are taken to the side they will give you guys your passes. Put them in Mauras purse for pictures. Then you will put them back on and we will be taken in for the premiere. I will be doing interviews while on the red carpet so this whole process will probably take an hour minimum." I explained.
"I should've taken notes." Sky said.
"Ok we are here." I said as the limo stopped. My heart is racing, oh my gosh. The door was opened and I could see the camera lights flashing. Just breathe Jordyn. Show time. I stepped out of the limo and waved at the cameras. Ben stepped out next and stood next to me followed by Parker.
"Ok you three this way to the red carpet." One of the security guards said.
"Us 3?" Ben asked.
"Well the star's date usually goes on the red carpet with them." Security said.
"Oh we aren't-" me and Ben both tried to explain but we were quickly ushered towards the red carpet. Well this is awkward. At the entrance to the carpet was my publicist standing with arms open smiling from ear to ear.
"There's my little star!" She smiled. I ran up add grabbed her in a hug.
"We have Miss Lively, her brother, and her date with us. Her brother is the one with the black hair and her date is the one with the curly hair." The security guard said into his headset.
"Problem, he's not my date. He's my friend." I said to my publicist.
"Well he should be, my what a cutie you are. Listen, it looks better if the star has a date. And besides, all the interviewers and paparazzi now think you are together so let's roll with it." She said.
"Ben are you ok with this?" I asked.
"Um sure. It's fine. So what do we have to do?" Ben asked.
"If anybody asks you two are together. You could end up being Hollywoods newest "it" couple which will be great for publicity. Pose for pictures together, maybe a cute kiss on the cheek, and if asked about him in interviews Jordyn you say you are together." She said.
"But that's all a lie! We aren't together." I said.
"Everything in Hollywood is fake sweetie. Now go, the public awaits!" She said pushing us out onto the carpet. "HOLD HANDS!" She screamed. I looked at Ben awkwardly. Why couldn't they have thought Josh was my date that would have been so much less awkward. I reached my hand out and Ben grabbed it in his. We walked out and people started screaming my name.
"MISS LIVELY! MISS LIVELY OVER HERE! OVER HERE MISS LIVELY! KISS HIS CHEEK. HOLD THAT." All the photographers screamed as a hundred flashes went off every second. I put my hands on his shoulder and kissed Ben's cheek. The photographers continued to shout out commands for us to do. I let go of his hand and moved up some to take some individual pictures. After some pictures alone Parker came up and we took some sibling pictures. We are scheduled to start filming a tv series together so we are Hollywoods new favorite twins right now. Finally it was time for the first interview. She wanted to talk to me, Parker...and Ben. Figures.
"Hello I am here on the red carpet of Sibling Nightmares with the star of the movie Jordyn Lively! So Jordyn this is your film debut?" The lady asked.
"Yes! I've done Broadway but this is totally different and it feels amazing!" I smiled.
"And here with Jordyn is her twin Parker and who is this?" She asked referring to Ben.
"This is Ben Cook. He was on the national tour of Newsies with me." I smiled.
"Are you two a thing?" She asked. Ugh, she had to ask.
"Yes!" I smiled grabbing Ben's hand. She asked about me and Parkers upcoming show and we moved onto the next interview. Every single person asked about Ben. And I had to lie to every single person. The rest of the guys and Maura came out for pictures and we were escorted into the theatre. I sat down in between Parker and Ben.
"Ben I am so so sorry about that mix up." I apologized.
"Jordyn is wasn't your fault! Don't worry about it." Ben smiled.
"No my publicist should not have made us do that." I said freaking out.
"Jordyn, relax and enjoy your day." Ben said grabbing my hand and squeezing. No this isn't ok. I told him I chose myself, now the whole world thinks we are dating. I looked down at Sky and he looked really bummed.
"So um when were you two gonna tell me you were dating?" Josh smiled. I reached over Ben and punched Josh as hard as I could. "Hey you are being photographed watch what you do." Josh smirked.
"Wanna take this outside punk?" I said holding up my fists.
"Calm." Parker said holding down my arms.
"This is so much different than Broadway." Sky said.
"You have no idea. On Broadway after the show we could go home and live normal lives. You can't escape paparazzi." I laughed.
"So what happens after the movie?" Maura asked.
"AFTER PARTY!" Me and Parker smiled. I pulled out my phone and had a text from Melissa.
Melissa: WHAT IS THIS?
I looked at the attachment and it was an article filled with pictures of me and Ben.
Star Jordyn Lively and her hot date at the red carpet premiere of Sibling Nightmares!
Oh boy. I handed the phone to Ben and he laughed as he read the article.
"Hear that? I'm hot." Ben smiled laughing.
"Ben!" I said smacking his arm. "I don't like lying."
"What if we have a break up?" Ben said.
"Do you realize how much hate you will get for breaking 'Americas sweethearts' heart?" I asked.
"Since when are you-" Ben started but i cut him off by holding up my phone to article calling me Americas sweetheart. "Oh. When did you become such a star?"
"A lot happened when we weren't talking." I laughed. "This is a mess." I said.
"We will figure something out." Ben assured me. The lights dimmed and everybody started to cheer. It was time for the movie, and then after we had the Q&A. Just sit back and enjoy the movie Jordyn.

After Newsies
AléatoireJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...