Sky POV:
We arrived in our new city and I threw my stuff on my bed. I am rooming with Ben again this week, great. Which means I am rooming with *gag* Mackenzie too.
"I can't wait for Kenz to get here so I can show her this view!" Ben smiled looking out the window.
"Ok buddy, I've known you since you were 16, right?" I asked.
"Yep, when the tour started." Ben said.
"So you trust me, right?" I asked.
"Sky I'd trust you with my life." Ben said.
"You need to break up with Mackenzie." I said.
"What?" Ben asked.
"You heard me." I said.
"Why would I break up with Mackenzie?" Ben asked.
"Because, in the words of Melina, SHE'S A MEANIE!" I said.
"What has she ever done to you?" Ben asked.
"It's not what she did to me, it's what she did to Melina and Jordyn." I said.
"When has she even talked to either of them?" Ben asked.
"If I tell you, you are gonna get pissed." I said.
"Sky, tell me." Ben said.
"She called Jordyn a slut." I said. Ben went silent and just looked at the floor. "Melina overheard her. So Saturday night me and Melina went over to her apartment to confront her about it and she called Melina a bitch, and told Melina you don't care about her which made Melina cry." I said. Ben was completely silent. "Anything to say?" I asked. He grabbed his phone and turned and quickly walked out of the room. Hopefully that made him mad.
Ben POV:
I ran down the hall to Jordyns room and knocked on the door.
"Ben what are you doing here?" Jordyn asked.
"Where's Melina?" I asked.
"Right here!" I heard Melina say.
"May I come in?" I asked.
"Um sure." Jordyn said. I walked past her and ran over to Melina who was sitting down in a chair. I kneeled down in front of her.
"Did you talk to Mackenzie?" I asked. Melina nodded. "What did she say to you?" I asked.
"Words I can't say." Melina said.
"What are you talking about Ben?" Jordyn asked.
"Sky apparently took Melina to Mackenzies house to talk to her Saturday night when we were gone." I explained. "Melina, tell me exactly what happened that night. And you can say the words." I said facing her again.
"Well, we were at the stagedoor and Lollie called sky and broke up with him. Then sky asked if I liked Lollie and I said no because I heard Mackenzie and Lollie trash talking Jordyn and that Mackenzie called Jordyn a.....slut." Melina said.
"What?" Jordyn asked in shock.
"Go on." I said.
"So Sky got really mad so he decided we were gonna go to Mackenzies house and talk to her. We got there and when Sky told Mackenzie he knew what she said, she called me a snitch and said she hates children and I stomped on her foot and she called me a bitch. Then she said Jordyn can kiss her ass and I told her she could kiss my fist and then she called Ben an idiot and said she was only dating him cuz he is a good kisser and does whatever she wants. And then she told me that you didn't care about me." Melina said looking down at her lap on the last part.

After Newsies
AléatoireJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...