Jordyn POV:
"BEN! JOSH! SKY! NICK! LETS GO WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE TO REHEARSAL!" I screamed. Nick was temporally staying with the guys until we left for tour and it is really hard to get 4 guys up and moving in the morning.
"COME ON!" Melina screamed. Melina lives in my apartment building so I take her to rehearsal with me everyday to save her parents time. She has a lot of siblings so it's a lot for her mom to take her to rehearsals since her dad died when she was young.
"Ok Melina, the door on the right belongs to Ben and Josh, the door on the left belongs to nick and sky....who do you want to annoy?" I smiled.
"Nick!" Melina smiled.
"Ok I got Ben and Josh. We will meet back here when our mission is accomplished! GO!" We turned and I went into Ben and Josh's room.
"Hope y'all are wearing pants cuz I'm coming in." I said as I opened the door."We are almost ready J!" Josh said from the bathroom as he was brushing his teeth.
"Morning babe!" Ben said and kissed my cheek as he was trying to get pants on.
"Come on we can not be late! They are working with the kids first today and we have Melina with us! And it would not look good if her legal guardians made her late." I said.
"Ok we aren't her legal guardians until we leave for tour." Ben said buttoning his shirt.
"I'm offended I wasn't picked." Josh said tying his shoes.
"Date a pretty girl like Jordyn and you can be." Ben smiled.
"The only reason you get to also be a legal guardian is because if I have to leave the tour for some reason she needs somebody still to keep her on tour." I laughed.
"Nick and Sky are ready!" Melina said coming into the room.
"I say we just leave without these two dorks." I laughed.
"Ready!" Josh and Ben said at the same time. They turned to face each other and their eyes widened.
"You guys are wearing the same shirt." Melina laughed.
"You have got to be kidding me." Ben said.
"Sucks cuz you guys don't have time to change so let's go!" I said grabbing both of their hands and pulling them out of their room. We finally were all ready and headed out to rehearsal.
"Ok before we leave the building let's place bets now. How many times will Jordyn and Ben get stopped by a fan for either their tv series or Jordyns movies." Sky said. "I say 15."
"20." Josh said.
"2." Nick said.
"Rookie." Sky laughed.
"0!" Melina said.
"Really? You don't think they will get stopped?" Nick asked.
"Nope!" Melina said.
"Ok well remember everybody, it's $5." Sky said.
"I can't believe you guys do this everyday." I laughed. When we made it to rehearsal we ended up never being stopped once. That was a first.
"Pay up suckers!" Melina said as all the guys handed her $5.
"Y'all got beat by a little girl." Ben laughed. We made it into our rehearsal space and got ready. Only 2 days till we left for our tour! We have been in tech week and today is just a run through of every scene. Melina ran off with Avery as soon as we got there and me, Ben, and Sabrina who was playing Cosette were taken to a separate room to work on A Heart Full of Love.
"So are you guys ready for the tour?" Sabrina asked.
"I could not be more excited! I love live theatre so much more than movies." I laughed.
"And I'm excited our first stop is Philly because that was our first stop in newsies!" Ben smiled. Just then my phone buzzed and I left the room to answer it.
"Hey Dad, what's up? We gotta make this quick I'm at rehearsal.
"Parker is in the hospital Jordyn." My dad said from the other side of the phone. Right when he said that Sky came up to ask me a question. My heart stopped and I dropped my phone to ground.
"Jordyn what's wrong?" Sky asked.
"Are you doing anything right now?" I asked as tears formed in my eyes.
Ben POV:
"Yeah it was so much fun in Newsies. I mean, that's how me and Jordyn met. Same with Josh, Sky, Nick, and Melissa. And it was cool to film a tv series with her, and go to her movie premieres." I smiled.
"Well I can tell you two really like each other." Sabrina smiled.
"Yeah my life wouldn't be the same without her." I blushed.
"Ok let's get started!" Our director said entering the room with Maggie, Jordyns understudy.
"Oh J stepped out to take a phone call real quick, I can go get here!" I said.
"Jordyn had to leave rehearsal for the day for a family emergency but she will be back tomorrow. So Maggie will be Eponine for now." Our director said. Where could J have gone, and why didn't she tell me? "So let's get started! Ben let's start with your part at the beginning of in my life and we will go straight into a heart full of love" I started singing but I couldn't stay focused. Something must be wrong with Jordyn, she's all I can think about right now. I need to talk to her.
Jordyn POV:
I sat in the hospital waiting room with Sky, it feels like we are here too often. Finally my dad came out to talk to us.
"Dad what happened?" I asked.
"Your brother was hit by a car while he was crossing the street." My dad said.
"Is he ok?" I asked.
"Jor, he was hit really bad. He is in a coma on life support....they don't think he's gonna make it." My dad said.
"But this happened when we were 17 and he ended up being fine! They didn't think he was gonna make it then! But he did!" I said.
"Jor, you can go in there but it will be a miracle if he pulls through." My dad said.
"Jordyn do you want me to go in with you?" Sky asked.
"No, I just need sometime alone with my brother." I said.
"Ok follow me." My dad said. My dad led me to the room and left me alone. The only sound you could hear was the beeping of the machines. My eyes filled with tears as I saw him sitting there. His whole body was scratched up and bloody, I had never seen him look so terrible.
"Hey Blue, I don't remember if people can hear or not when they are in a coma, but I'm just gonna talk because I don't know what else to do." I said as I sat down in the chair next to him. "Gosh, we've sure been through a lot together. 23 years. I remember when we were 2 and you would always steal my crayons when we drew pictures and that would make me so mad. And you always called me Little Jordyn and I would punch you in the gut. I actually didn't mind it that much as I grew up. I just wanted to make you proud. Gosh I hope I made you proud. You always made me laugh, no matter how upset I was. And you were always there for me. I was always bullied and you would always stick up for me." I said choking on my tears. "Listen Blue you gotta pull through this, you can't leave me. I can't survive without you. Please Blue, please pull through." There was a quiet knock on the door and I turned to see Ben. "Oh hey Ben." I said wiping tears away from my eyes. Ben walked over and sat down next to me, grabbing me in a hug.
"He's gonna be ok Jordyn." Ben whispered.
"How did you find me here?" I asked.
"Sky called me and I came as soon as rehearsal ended." He said.
"They say he's not gonna make it." I whispered.
"He's gonna make it J." Ben said.
"What if he doesn't?" I asked.
"He will." Ben said. He kissed my head and I snuggled up close to him. What would I even do without Parker? Please make it Parker, please.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...