Ben POV:
Well shit. I stood up on the stage watching Jordyn run as she pushed past Sky. Um what just happened.
"We are?" Josh asked from in front of the stage.
"WE ARE!" I said into the mic. Josh jumped up onto to the stage.
"Do you want to go to her?" Josh whispered in my ear.
"Not yet. Let her cool down." I said. The music started and Josh started rapping Jeffersons part. I guess I shouldn't have picked a love song...ugh Ben you are an idiot! At least Sky didn't follow her up. I still have the chance to be the hero. Since when did I compete with Sky for Jordyn? Jordyns always been mine, why can't he see that?
"Look when Britain taxed our tea we got frisky! Imagine what gonna happen when you try to tax our whiskey." Josh said doing a fake mic drop. My turn. I did my best to do it full out but I couldn't stop thinking about Jordyn. The song ended and the countdown started. I had wanted to be with Jordyn when that number hit 0. To start my year off with the most perfect girl. But obviously that isn't happening. Happy New Year.
Parker POV:
I heard the countdown as I headed up the stairs to the roof. I know this is where Jordyn went.
"Happy new year J." I said walking onto the roof. The cold New York air stung my skin. "I brought you a gift to ring in the New Year." I said handing her one of the beers I had brought up.
"You always know exactly what I need." Jordyn said twisting the top of and taking a big gulp.
"I would hope so, I'm your twin." Parker laughed. "So what happened down there? Why did you run off the stage." I said also opening my beer.
"To answer that question I'm gonna need to drink your beer too." Jordyn laughed. "I couldn't do it Parker. I tried."
"Nobody said you had to." I told her.
"You know what Parker. It's a new year." Jordyn said.
"New us." I added.
"Why do I have to decide between Sky and Ben?" Jordyn asked.
"You don't." I said.
"And I'm not. Let's go to Paris." Jordyn smiled.
"Paris?" I asked confused.
"Yes! Let's go! Get away from Sky and Ben and everybody. Just us. And maybe Timmy and Nick. All the Lively siblings. Let's go." Jordyn said.
"Ok let's do it." I said.
"You are in for it?" Jordyn asked.
"Why not. It's an adventure. We can go for 2 weeks and then come back in time for Jeffs wedding." I said.
"Parker I was joking. I have my movie premiere in a week." Jordyn laughed.
"That's right my little sister is a movie star now." I smiled. "Cheers, to a new year." I said holding up my beer.
"To a new start." Jordyn said clinking her beer against mine. "To a new us." We both took a sip of our beers and looked out at the city. "I love them both Parker." Jordyn said.
"I know you do." I replied.
"But I'm not choosing either of them." Jordyn added.
"That's totally fine. But I don't think that will stop them from competing for you." I told her.
"I'm not some prize to be won." Jordyn said.
"I never said you were."
"You know, they say whoever you are with at midnight is who you will be with for the rest of the year. And I wasn't with Ben or Sky, I was alone."
"Listen just forget about Ben and Sky." I said. I had more to say but I was interrupted by the door to the roof opening.
"Jordyn!" Ben said running over to her.
"Oh boy." Jordyn said under her breath.
"Ben I don't think this is a good idea." I said.
"Can I just talk to her?" Ben asked.
"Ben listen. You are an amazing person and maybe in the future we could be together again. But right now, I'm choosing me." Jordyn said. "Can we just be friends?"
"Oh shit he just got friend zoned." I mumbled. Jordyn reached over and slapped my arm, giving me her death glare. I took a step away from the edge of the balcony, just in case.
"I just need some time to discover myself. I just ended my relationship with Peyton and I'm not ready for another relationship." Jordyn explained.
"Yeah this is awkward, I'm gonna go." I said turning and running back into the stairwell. I was halfway down when I saw Sky running up.
"Hey Sky!" I said wrapping my arm around his shoulder.
"Hey Parker, is Jordyn on the roof?" Sky asked.
"Yes but I suggest not going up there. She just friend zoned Ben." I said.
"Does that mean she picked me?" Sky smiled.
"Not exactly. She chose herself. She doesn't want to be in a relationship right now." I explained. "And if you go up there she will feel attacked cuz you and Ben will both be there and I'm not letting that happen to my sister. So let's take a little trip back to the party." I said leading him down the stairs.
"Is she ok? If she wants to chose Ben that's totally ok I just want her to be happy." Sky said.
"She's gonna be ok. She just needs time." I said.
Jordyn POV:
"Ben please." I tried to get him to listen.
"Jordyn I love you!" Ben said.
"You've said that 5000 times! I get it!" I said getting annoyed. "Please leave me alone!"
"Jordyn you know we are suppose to be together!" Ben said.
"You wanna know what I know?" I said turning to face Ben. "That you are suffocating me! I need some time alone why can't you fucking respect that!"
"Jordyn!" Ben said grabbing my hands in his. He pulled so our faces were right in front of each other. I could feel his hot breath on my face. I looked at my feet as to not make eye contact. His breaths were short quick, I looked up into his blue eyes and felt like my heart stopped. My breaths were short and quick just like Ben's. My heart started to race as we held eye contact. "Jordyn, hear me out. I love you and I've never loved anybody else more. All day all I think about is you. Nobody has ever made me happier. Jordyn I need you in my life."
"Ben I just need time." I said. The air was quiet and Ben's breath broke the cold winter air
"Then I will wait." Ben said.
"Ben you-" I started but he cut me off.
"I will wait." He let go of my hands, kissed my cheek, and walked away, leaving me on the roof alone.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...