Double update to make up for not posting in so long :)
Josh POV:
"Is Jordyn in?" The person asked. Just then the elevator next to it opened and Jeff stepped out.
"Hey guys!" Jeff smiled getting out. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw who was in the elevator.
"Fuck no." Jeff said and pulled the person out of the elevator. He shoved him up against the wall and held him by the collar. "Why are you here?" Jeff said holding him against the wall.
"Just came to see Jordyn." He said smirking at Jeff.
"Jordyns not here." Sky said. Right away the door to our apartment opened and Ben and Jordyn walked out.
"DAMN IT JORDYN." Jeff screamed.
"What's going on?" Jordyn innocently asked.
"Jordyn go back inside." Sky said.
"There's my girl." The guy said.
"Ben take her back in now." I said walking towards them.
"Robbie?" Jordyn asked pushing past me. "Jeff let go of him."
"Jordyn I don't think-" Jeff started.
"Jeff. Let him go." Jordyn said. Jeff thought about it for a second and then let him go. "Let me talk to Robbie alone." Jordyn said. She glared at all of us and we looked at each other, as if silently asking if we should listen. "Now." Jordyn demanded. Ben kissed her cheek and we all headed back to the room. Once we were in the room we all pressed our ear against the door.
"Anybody hear anything?" Ben asked.
"Nope." I replied.
"Damn it." Jeff said. We all gave up and sat down on the couch.
"How's our old married man?" Sky asked.
"Good, enjoying our time in the city. Michaels at a business dinner so I figured I would come see what you children were doing." Jeff laughed.
"Well you came at a perfect time." I said.
"How much longer do you think they will be?" Ben asked.
"Not long hopefully." I replied. Suddenly we heard a crash from outside the room. We all jumped up and ran to the door. When we got to the hallway we saw Jordan lying on the floor, broken glass around her and the elevator doors closing.
"JORDYN!" Ben screamed and ran over to her. Sky turned and sprinted towards the stair case, pushing the door open and running down the stairs. Jeff followed behind sky and I ran over to Ben and Jordyn.
"Is she breathing?" I asked.
"Yes." Ben said. "Jordyn wake up!" He pushed her hair behind her ear and I saw blood trickling down her head.
"I'm calling 911." I said pulling out my phone. As I talked to the operator I could hear Ben crying. If i see that Robbie again I'm going to kill him.
Jordyn POV:
"Americas sweetheart Jordyn Lively from the show Double the Luck is currently in the hospital after being hit over the head with a vase by an ex boyfriend. Her current condition is unknown but we will keep you updated as we know more. Her costar and boyfriend Ben cook was seen entering the hospital with her and he has not been seen leaving yet." I heard a voice saying. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a white room, and sounds of beeping. My heart started to race and I started freaking out. Where am I, what am I doing? Why does my head hurt. Tears formed in my eyes as my heart raced harder. I tried to move but I was restrained down. The beeping of the machine started to speed up with the beating of my heart. I could feel my face hot and my head jolted around the room.
"BEN!" I screamed as loud as I could. "BEN!" I cried out, hurting my throat I was screaming so loud. A bunch of people rushed into my room and gathered around me. "STOP IT WHO ARE YOU!? WHERES BEN? I NEED BEN!" I screamed.
"Ms Lively we need you to calm down." One of the men said.
"GET AWAY FROM ME WHERES BEN?" I screamed. They said stuff I couldn't understand. I looked out the window and saw two doctors holding Ben back, pulling him away from my room. "STOP THOSE MEN. STOP THEM. THEY ARE TAKING BEN AWAY FROM ME! BEN!" I continued to scream. Everything started to become fuzzy. "BEN! SOMEBODY PLEASE. WHY ARE THEY-"
Ben POV:
The doctors made me sit down and wouldn't let me back to see Jordyn even though she was screaming my name. Robbie hit her with the vase and knocked her unconscious. She just needs stitches and she will be fine but she has a concussion. They don't know why she started to freak out though.
"Josh I'm scared." I said.
"Don't worry buddy." Josh said wrapping his arm around me. "I've been with you through everything, I'm with you now."
"Is Parker coming?" I asked.
"He hasn't answered my phone calls." Josh repliedZ
"Are you two here for Jordyn Lively?" A doctor asked walking up to us. No I'm just some guy who she was just screaming for.
"Yes. Is she ok?" I asked. I don't think a doctor and sarcasm will mix well.
"Physically yes. Mentally, we aren't sure. We want her to see a therapist. There's some mental problem. She is screaming and refusing to talk to anybody but you Mr Cook. She is also freaking out when the doctors get near her. We had to put give her anesthesia to calm her down so we could run some tests. Mr Cook we would like you to be in the room with her, we think she only feels safe with you. Her tests came out fine but we just want to keep her here over night for observation and we will release her tomorrow morning." The doctor said. "If you could follow me back to her room Mr Cook." The doctor said. I stood up and followed the doctor. When I got in the room Jordyn was sitting up in her bed staring at the wall. When the door opened she jerked her head towards us but smiled when she saw it was me.
"Ben!" She smiled.
"Jor what's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing just a headache." She smiled.
"I'm going to leave you two alone." The doctor said and left.
"Jordyn, why are you freaking out when the doctors come near you?" I asked. She looked blankly at the wall and her smile dropped. "Jordyn, what happened in the 3 years we weren't together?" I asked. She turned at faced me, tears in her eyes.
"It was all Robbie." Jordyn said. "He showed up last year. He...he threatened me. He told me I had to give him all this money and if I didn't he was going to hurt Parker. I gave him the money and thought that was the end. Then one day he cornered me and demanded more money. I said no and then he...he...." Jordyn said but started to choke on her words. Her whole body was shaking and her eyes were an empty hole. "And then he raped me." Jordyn said quietly. My body filled with anger and I wanted to punch a wall. "I didn't tell anybody, I was too scared. He threatened to hurt everybody I cared about if I told and I knew he would. One day when I came home he had ransacked my bedroom and stolen a bunch of my stuff. And then today when he came, he asked what I was doing back together with you. That I was his. I told him I wasn't and he got mad. He told me I would regret this and grabbed the vase and I can't remember anything after that." Jordyn said tears streaming down her face. I couldn't think of anything to do other than sit down next to her and grab her in a hug. "He's gonna hurt you Ben." She cried.
"I won't let him. He's not going to hurt anybody." I said running my fingers through her hair. That son of a bitch is going to regret the day he ever laid a hand on Jordyn.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...