Make sure to comment reactions throughout! :) they make me smile and I've been having rough times so I could really use the smiles
Jordyn POV:
I can't believe it's our last night here! We just finished our matinee show! All we have left is our evening show and then we have completed our first week of the tour!
"Jordyn, Melissa is taking all of us kids out to the stagedoor!" Melina said popping into my dressing room.
"Ok sweetie have fun!" I smiled. I was hoping Marissa would come to one of the shows, maybe she would come to tonight's show! I went down the hall and to the guys dressing room.
"IM COMING IN!" I said opening the door. I opened the door and all the guys were only in their underwear. I threw my hands over my eyes. "PANTS GUYS. LEARN TO WEAR THEM!"
"KNOCKING JORDYN. LEARN TO DO IT!" Cody said back. I took my hands down and everybody was still in their underwear.
"How did I get changed before all of you?" I laughed.
"We were....busy." Ben said.
"Busy doing what?" I asked.
"Guy stuff." Nick said.
"What did you all do?" I asked.
"NOTHING!" They all screamed.
"Whatever, I'm just here for Ben." I said.
"I'm almost ready!" Ben said buttoning up his shirt.
"Hurry, I wanna go get lunch." I said.
"Can we get chipotle?" Ben asked.
"Melina wants Panera." I said.
"Fine, Panera. Anybody else wanna come?" Ben asked.
"I'm always down for Panera!" Josh said.
"Ok I'm ready!" Ben smiled.
"Ok anybody who wants to come to Panera meet us there!" I said as we walked out. Ben wrapped his arm around me as we headed out to the stagedoor. We weren't the last people out this time....accomplishment! Melina had just finished signing and taking pictures and she ran over to us.
"Are we gonna go to Panera?" Melina asked.
"Yeah after me and Ben finish meeting people!" I said.
"Ok!" Melina smiled. She ran over to the grass that was right behind the crowd of people and started doing cartwheels.
"Hi!" I smiled approaching the first person.
"Is that you're sister?" The girl asked pointing towards Melina who was currently doing a back walk over.
"No, we are in charge of her on tour because her parents couldn't come." I explained.
"She's such a cutie, and she did such an amazing performance today!" The girl smiled.
"Yeah she's really talented." Ben smiled. We took a picture with her and moved on. Everybody thought Melina was so cute! We were about halfway down the line when we found another Newsie fan.
"Hi you guys were amazing!" The girl smiled.
"Aw thank you so much!" I said as I signed her playbill.
"You two have been my favorite couple for like ever. And you guys are so sweet with Melina! The Instagram pics you post with her are adorable!" The girl said.
"She's adorable." Ben smiled.
"HEY PUT THE GIRL DOWN!" I heard somebody scream. I looked around and saw somebody in a dark hoodie running off with Melina who had duct tape over her mouth. Holy shit, somebody is trying to kidnap Melina.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...