Jordyn POV:
Why do people like New Years Eve so much, why is it some people's favorite holiday? You don't get presents or candy, it's not a reason to get together with your family, you don't make a big dinner, it's just a day. They like it so much because tomorrow they get a fresh start. It's a new year, a new beginning. People think they can become a new person, it gives them hope. They think 'it's a new year, a new me. Maybe this year will be better than the rest.' Another thing people say is that whoever you are with at midnight is who you will be with for the rest of your life. It's also that for kissing. New Year's Eve is such a romantic holiday. This year for New Year's Eve we are having a newsies cast reunion party. Everybody is going to be there. Ben, Josh, Sky, Nick, DeMarius, Chaz, Morgan, Melissa, Joey, Stephanie, Jacob....everybody. So is that who I'm going to be with at midnight? Who knows. Maybe this will tell me if I'm suppose to be with Sky or Ben. Whoever I'm with at midnight is who I will be with. I got in the cab with Parker and headed to the party. I haven't seen a lot of these people since the tour ended, this is gonna be crazy. The party started at 10:00 but by the time me and Parker got there it was 10:45. I don't think I can do this. Parker grabbed me in a hug and kissed the top of my head.
"Nervous?" He asked.
"Just a lot." I said. He squeezed my arm and we walked in. The room was packed full of people and I didn't know what to do other than just stand in the doorway.
"JORDYN!" A bunch of people screamed. I saw Vincent and he sprinted up and grabbed me in a hug.
"Oh my gosh when did you get so old!" I laughed grabbing him in a hug. "You can not seriously be a teenager now!"
"Well I'm 13 and that's considered a teenager!" Vincent laughed. My heart can't handle this.
"Where's your partner in crime?" I smiled.
"Me and him are about to do the karaoke!" Vincent smiled.
"Well I will make sure I am front row for the performance." I smiled. Vincent smiled and turned and ran off. I turned to talk to Parker but he was gone. Figures. I turned back around and Sky and Ben were both standing in front of me.
"I see you are wearing my present." Ben smiled.
"Well it's a beautiful necklace." I smiled.
"Wanna dance?" They asked at the same time. They both looked at each other very awkwardly.
"Um, I just got here. I'm gonna go talk to some people." I said. "But feel free to dance with each other." I turned around and started to walk away.
"Dude back off she's mine." I heard Ben say.
"You broke up with her, you had your chance." I heard Sky said. Just keep walking Jordyn. Suddenly somebody wrapped their arms around my neck and pulled me backwards. A small scream slipped out of my mouth.
"Did I startle you?" A familiar voice laughed.
"MEL!" I screamed in excitement, I turned around a grabbed her in a hug.
"I've missed you girlie!" Melissa smiled.
"I've missed you too! I've been in real need of your advice." I smiled.
"Well how about we meet for brunch tomorrow and work it out?" Melissa smiled.
"That sounds perfect!" I laughed. "But can I get a small taste of it now?"
"Ben?" Melissa asked.
"And sky." I said.
"Two best friends. I think this has been building up since you all first met." Melissa said. I looked at the clock, 11:15. 45 minutes until midnight.
"They both like me." I said.
"I figured. Who do you like?" she asked.
"Both?" I said quietly.
"Jordyn you are a mess." Melissa laughed.
"They are fighting over me, look at them." I said. We both looked over and Ben and Sky who were sitting on positive ends of the table not talking, they both looked pissed. "Help." Ben stood up and started to walk over towards us. "Do not leave me." I glared at Melissa.
"Hey Jor." Ben smiled.
"Hey Ben." I said.
"Wanna sing a karaoke song with me?" Ben asked. I looked at Melissa and she raised her eyebrow.
"Um sure! Why not." I said. His smile grew and we headed over to the stage.
"What song do you wanna sing?" Ben asked.
"You can pick." I said.
"How about something from the show?" Ben asked. Oh boy. There's only one song he could have in mind.
"Nah that's too cliche." I laughed.
"Fine, how about As Long As You're Mine from wicked?" Ben asked.
"Sure." I said. How could I say no? We waited for our turn and finally we hit the stage and the song started.
"Kiss me too fiercely, hold me too tight.
I need help believing, you're with me tonight." I sang. "My wildest dreamings could not foresee-" I suddenly stopped singing. I looked out and everybody was staring at me. "I'm sorry I can't do this." I set down the microphone and ran off the stage."Jordyn-" sky said trying to stop me but I pushed past him and sprinted out of the room. I ran to the stairwell and all the way up to the roof. What the hell was I thinking. Hot tears streamed down my face and my throat tightened. All my feelings I've ever felt for Ben rushed back. The hatred, the love, everything. I looked at my phone. 11:58. I looked out at the city, all the bright lights. My feelings for Sky were still there too. Why can't life just decide for me? I love Ben. I love Sky. Ben loves me. Sky loves me. I don't want to make them fight, they are best friends and I am definitely not worth it. I heard the screams of the countdown until the new year. 10, how could I live with myself if I broke up friends? 9, how can I even decide between the two of them, they are both so amazing. 8, but I have so much history with Ben. 7, but sky has always been there for me. Always. 6, it's all up to you Jordyn. 5, the tears continued to stream down my face and my stomach felt in knots. 4, I looked out at the whole city chanting. 3, wait, why do I have to chose between them? 2, I know what I'm going to do. 1, I Happy New Year. I sat down on the roof, alone in the cold New York air. The wind blew my hair all around me and I snuggled up in my coat. This city is huge, there's so much to explore. And I'm ready to explore it. Just me. My New Years resolution? Find out who I am, what I want. And it's not Ben or Sky.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...