Sky POV:
I sat in my room trying to read a book but I couldn't focus over the sound of Ben and Mackenzie making out on his bed.
"ISN'T THERE ANYWHERE ELSE YOU TWO COULD DO THAT?" I asked. They ignored me and continued to make out lying down on the bed. "I'm talking to a brick wall aren't I?" I asked. Still no answer. "Can you two stop shoving your tongues down each other's throats for 1 second and listen to me?" I asked. Nothing. I grabbed a pillow from the couch and chucked it at them as hard as I could.
"OW!" Ben screamed as he pulled away from Mackenzie. "What the hell?" He asked.
"Yeah, hi? There's another person in the room who doesn't want to hear you two making out!" I said.
"There's other rooms you can read your boring book in!" Ben said and then grabbed Mackenzie back into a kiss. This is gross, I can't. There was a knock at the door and neither of them flinched.
"I guess I'll answer that." I said and got up. When I answered the door Jordyn was standing with Melinas hand in hers.
"Ready to go to lunch?" She asked.
"Yeah, definitely ready to get out of this hell hole." I said.
"I would say to tell Ben but I don't think he would notice." Jordyn said.
"Why?" Melina asked.
"Nothing." Jordyn laughed. I grabbed my bookbag and we headed out. "Oh so sky I have exciting news! I was asked to record a song for a new movie!" She smiled.
"Jor that's awesome!" I said.
"One problem. It's a love song. And it's a duet. And the duet is with Ben." Jordyn said.
"Yikes, does he know?" I asked.
"Yep, and he actually agreed to do it." Jordyn said.
"So are you gonna do it?" I asked.
"Yep. Me and him are flying to New York Saturday for the day to record." She said.
"So in two days. And what about Melina?" I asked.
"I'm staying with Sabrina for the day! I can't wait!" She smiled.
"And I can't wait to see Jake again!" Jordyn smiled.
"I don't think you'll have to wail until Saturday." I smiled.
"What do you mean?" Jordyn asked. We turned the corner and Jake was sitting on a bench smiling. "Oh my gosh." Jordyn smiled and ran and grabbed him in a hug.
"Did you plan that?" Melina asked.
"Yeah, thought it would make her happy." I smiled. Melina grabbed my hand and looked up at me and smiled.
"She's lucky to have you." Melina smiled.
"And she's lucky to have you too." I smiled squeezing her hand. I looked over at Jordyn and she was smiling and laughing with Jake.
"I know you like her." Melina smiled.
"What?" I asked.
"I know you like Jordyn! And I think it's sweet that you do all this to make her happy, even if it's not with you. You just want her to be happy even if that means you aren't happy." Melina smiled.
"Stop trying to figure me out, you're 10." I laughed. "And I have Lollie, I'm happy." I said.
"Whatever you say." Melina said.
"Sky!" Jordyn smiled and ran over and grabbed me in a hug. "You're amazing!" She said grabbing me in a hug. "I literally couldn't function without you." She laughed.

After Newsies
عشوائيJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...