The Call

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Hey guys so I wrote that last chapter when I was like half awake and I totally forgot that Ben and Jordyn are dating again (I'm an idiot kill me) but yeah. I will update more often I promise and I won't fuck up like that again so LETS GO. BEN AND JORDYN ARE DATING. If you need to refresh yourself on chapters go read them, I just did lol. Don't forget to leave comments throughout and such!


"Ring....ring....RING DAMN IT!" I screamed.

"Jordyn yelling at the phone isn't going to make it ring." Ben laughed at me. After 7 callbacks for Hamilton, we were going to be finding out any time now!

"RING!" I screamed and right after, Ben's phone rang. "WRONG PHONE!" I screamed. He grabbed his phone and went into the other room to answer it.  "Ok phone, come on, don't let me down. Bens rang, doesn't that make you want to ring? PLEASE RING. I'll give you 5 bucks! Wait you're a phone....PLEASE JUST RING SO I CAN STOP SEEMING LIKE AN IDIOT!" I pleaded. Finally, it rang.

"Hello?!" I screamed too excitedly. Play it cool Jordyn.

"Is this Miss Jordyn Lively?" A voice asked.

"Yes!" I replied.

"I want to talk to you for a minute! We do not think you are the right fit for Hamilton." The voice said. Damn it. "But, we are also currently casting for a national tour of Les Mis and we would like to cast you as Eponine!" The voice said.

"Oh my gosh Eponine has been one of my dream roles since I was like 5!" I said.

"So you in?" The lady asked.

"YES! Thank you so much!" I said and hung up. Holy crap, I'm going to play Eponine. Just then Ben came out of his room.

"So?" I asked.

"I didn't get into Hamilton. But they offered me a role in the national tour of Les Mis!" Ben smiled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP THEY DID THAT TO ME TOO!" I screamed. "Did you accept?" I asked.

"Yes! Wait who did they ask you to play?" Ben asked.

"Eponine! You?" I asked.

"Marius!" Ben smiled.

"What are the chances that both of us would get in?" I laughed. He grabbed me in a hug and spun me around, kissing me at the end.

"Should we tell anyone?" Ben asked.

"Not yet. Let's go hang out in Times Square right now." I laughed grabbing bens hand and pulling him behind me. The warm summer air of New York felt so refreshing! We had been outside for two minutes when 3 girls in newsies shirts ran up to us.

"Oh my gosh you are Ben and Jordyn!" One girl said.

"Can we get a picture? We loved your tv show and we saw you in newsies 7 times!" another girl said.

"And we've seen all of Jordyns movies! And we saw Ben in Tuck Everlasting 4 times!" The first girl said.

"I think you all win the prize for super fan." Ben laughed. We smiled for a picture and continued talking to the girls.

"You guys are our favorite couple!" The third girl smiled.

"I actually cried when I heard you two broke up." The second girl said.

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