Your comments for the last post had me dying laughing! Keep them up with this chapter!
Jordyn POV:
"I CAN'T GET THIS DAMN RING OFF MY FINGER!" Ben screamed trying to pull it off.
"Neither can I!" Josh said.
"Did the butter work?" I asked.
"What do you think?" Ben said holding up his hand with the ring still on it. "The cast is going to be here any minute!"
"Where did you guys even get married?" I asked.
"I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA." Ben screamed.
"Oh I know!" Nick smiled. "It's some place down the street, I found their card in my pants pocket."
"And you are just telling us this now?" Ben asked.
"I literally just found it." Nick said. "They are open 24/7."
"We don't have time to go before the show, we will have to go after and get this all sorted out." I said.
"Ok but until then...HOW DO WE GET THESE OFF." Ben screamed.
"Hey guys." Cody said walking in as Ben was holding his hand up in the air. "Woah, what's with the wedding ring. PLEASE TELL ME YOU TWO DID NOT GET HITCHED LAST NIGHT." Cody said looking at me and Ben.
"Us two, didn't." I said.
"Us two did." Josh said holding up his hand.
"NO WAY!" Cody said and burst into laughing.
"WE WERE DRUNK OK?" Ben said.
"Looks like you just lost your man Jordyn." Cody laughed.
"Jordyn!" Melina said running into the room.
"Hey sweetie, we've missed you all day! How was schooling?" I asked.
"Fun!" She smiled. She looked over at Ben. "Why is he wearing a ring?" Melina asked.
"Because Ben is an idiot and got married to Josh." I smiled.
"So does that mean Josh is in charge of me too now?" Melina asked.
"No, but don't worry, they are going to file for divorce." I smirked.
"Only 23 and I'm already divorced. What a life I'm living." Ben said.
"Ok but Melina we are going to play a game. It's called don't tell anybody me and Ben got married." Josh said kneeling down in front of Melina.
"BEN AND JOSH GOT MARRIED!" Melissa screamed from the doorway.
"DAMN IT!" Ben said.
"I always knew I'd lose him to Josh." I laughed.
"I am offended I wasn't invited to the wedding." Melissa laughed.
"Don't worry I wasn't either. But somebody in here was." I said motioning towards Nick.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Nick said.
"Nick if we are going down, you are going down with us." Ben said.
"I was the flower girl." Nick mumbled.
"You were what now?" Ben asked.
"I was the flower girl." Nick said a little louder.
"One more time." Ben smirked.
"I WAS THE FLOWER GIRL!" Nick screamed.
"How wasted were you guys?" Cody asked.
"Um Melina, why don't you go back to your dressing room." I said and she stood up and left.

After Newsies
RandomJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...