Jordyn POV:
"Good God, oh what a rumpus!" I sang.
"That girl, who could she be?" Ben sang.
"That cop, he'd like to jump us! But he ain't smart not he!" I sang. We were in our second week of rehearsals for Les Mis and we were having the time of our lives. Me and Ben stood in the middle of the room acting out our song. This was literally a dream come true. "You see, I told you so. There's lots of things I know. 'Ponine, she knows her way around."
"That was awesome you two! I really could feel the chemistry!" Our director said. Hmm wonder why. "Ok before we end rehearsal I have an announcement to make. Two of our barricade boys is no longer able to join us on the tour due to health issues. So tomorrow 2 new barricade boys will be joining us! And we also will be having a few other new ensemble members join us because we had a couple of issues. But it has all been worked out! See you all tomorrow!" I grabbed my bag and waited for Ben at the door.
"Bye Jordan!" Max smiled as he ran up and gave me a hug. Max was playing one of our Gavroches.
"See you tomorrow Max!" I smiled. He was so precious. Finally Ben came over with Melina and Avery, our young cosette and Eponine trailing behind him. I picked up Melina as soon as she got there.
"Sup mini me." I laughed.
"Ben said we can go to dinner with you guys tonight!" Melina smiled.
"He did?" I laughed.
"How can you say no to these cute faces." Ben said hugging Avery. Avery and Melina were both huge fans of our show and absolutely adore Ben. It was kind of weird to come into the rehearsal room and mostly everybody knew me and a lot knew Ben too.
"Well then I guess we are going to dinner! I'll text Josh and Sky and they can meet us there!" I smiled. We talked to the girls parents and then we were off to the restaurant.
"I can't believe we only have a month before we are off on tour." Ben said.
"I know, it's crazy. I wonder who the new people will be though." I replied.
"What is it like to tour? I've only ever done Broadway." Avery said.
"Well, you get to visit tons of different cities and go to new places! It's a new adventure everyday! And it's always fun to stay in a hotel." Ben said.
"Yeah and the hotels always have pools!" I added.
"This show is a lot different than Matilda, there's not as many kids." Melina added. Melina and Avery both had pretty impressive resumes and they are only 10 and 12.
"Well In Newsies we only had 2 kids on tour so at least there's more than that." Ben laughed.
"Oh there was a lot more than 2 children on the tour....shall we relive the prank war?" I asked.
"Hey you were apart of that!" Ben protested. We walked for awhile and then Melina jumped on my back and Avery jumped on bens back. These are the moments when everything feels perfect, but from experience....these moments never last long.
Ben POV:
Last night was amazing and Melina and Avery were so cute. They are already like my little sisters. We headed to the next rehearsal and sat down against the wall as we waited to start. Josh had packed me a lunch today....yeah that happened. I swear he's turning into a mom more and more everyday."Oh hey J, josh packed you a lunch." I said handing her a bag.
"He's such a dork." Jordyn laughed taking the bag and opening it. "Oh and look, there's a note. 'Enjoy your day at rehearsal, love Joshie B' oh my gosh he's such a mom." She laughed.
"Ok guys we are going to get started now! I want to work on One Day more first but before we get started I want you all to meet our new cases members! We will start with our ensemble members. Joining us we have Marie Warren, Harper Quinn, Ricardo Andrews, and Joshua Burrage." He said as they all ran into the room.
"Wait did he say Josh?" Jordyn asked in surprise. Just then Josh ran into the room. "Holy crap it is!" Jordyn smiled. I jumped up and grabbed Josh in a hug.
"I'm guessing these two know each other." Our director said looking at Jordyn.
"They are literally attached at the hip." Jordyn laughed.
"How did you....what?" I asked Josh.
"My manager sent me a call saying they needed some new Les Mis members and I thought hey maybe I would be able to stay with Ben and Jordyn if I got in! But wait there's more!" Josh smiled.
"Ben, you good?" Our director asked.
"Yeah I'm good, I'm good. I mean I live with that kid I see him every day." I said sitting down next to Jordyn.
"You're a dork." Jordyn laughed.
"Ok and our 2 new barricade boys are....Nick Masson and Sky Flaherty!" Our director announced.
"NO FUCKING WAY!" Jordyn screamed.
"J! Children!" I said pointing towards Melina who was sitting right next to her. She jumped up and grabbed nick and sky in a group hug.
"And I'm guessing she knows these two." Our director laughed.
"Actually all 5 of us toured in Newsies together." I laughed.
"And now all 5 of us are gonna tour in Les Miserables together. Could life be any more perfect?" Jordyn smiled. "The only person this is missing is-" she started.
"Me?" A voice asked. Just then Melissa stepped through the door.
"MEL!" Jordyn screamed and ran and grabbed her in a hug. "What are you going?" Jordyn asked smiling from ear to ear.
"I am these munchkins' wrangler. So I'm in charge of all these crazy kids." Melissa smiled.
"So you are coming on tour with us?" I asked.
"You betcha!" Melissa smiled.
"Ok these have been some happy reunions but we need to get started! Starting with one day more! Let's go!" Our director smiled. I can't believe it, almost the whole gang is back together. This is going to be so much fun! Hopefully nothing will go wrong, this is the only thing working in Jordyns favor right now, I don't want it getting fucked up for her.

After Newsies
عشوائيJordyn Lively and Ben Cook used to tour the U.S in Disneys production of newsies. But you can't do the same thing forever. Now they are both living in the big apple! Ben with Josh and Jordyn with her best friend Maura. It's been 3 years since they l...