Just a Colleague : Chapter 1

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Chapter One : First Impressions

"S'cuse me Miss", a student beside me whispered.

I glanced down at the younger boy who seemed approximately 14 years old. I plastered on a smile, bending down slightly to meet his eye level.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Can you please tell me the number for pi rounded to two decimal places? I'm lost", he sighed, planting his forehead in his palm.

I hummed in response, taking the pencil from between his fingers as I scribbled letters and numbers onto his paper. 'Pi = 3.14' He thanked me with a small smile, glancing back down at his papers before I wandered back to the front of the classroom to meet Mrs Greener.

She was a lovely, petit lady. The short sweep of dark chocolate atop her head fell straight, gently brushing around her shoulders while her gorgeous, oceanic eyes glistened as they wandered around the classroom briefly before she was peering back down at the papers sprawled across her desk.

Mandy's thin fingers encased gently around a pen, dancing freely across the page as she proceeded to glance up at the class every so often.

"Hi Mrs Greener", I flashed a brief smile. "Is there anything I'm needed for?"

"Uh", she quickly dropped her pen, rummaging through her stack of papers before she found a yellow one. "Not right now. If any of the students need help, you're right to assist, yeah?"

"Of course. Thank you"

I sighed, already tired as I sauntered towards the classroom I was to wait in. Loud chatter and laughter emitted from the sea of humanity which swarmed the corridors as they all prepared for their lunch break.

I was entitled to an eating break after arriving to my next class since I didn't exactly have a specific spot on the teacher aid team as of yet. I'd have to wait a while longer until I had a spot which was merely labelled as mine. And the only places I could hang around other than an office was a classroom – I had no choice.

"Mrs Quinn Brindell, I assume", a tall, dirty blonde man spoke gruffly.

To say he was attractive would be quite the understatement. His eyes were mesmerising to say the least. It was the aquatic, cool type of blue which I mostly adore seeing dig deep beneath the folds of sand at the beach. He wore a formal attire.

It was quite strange since teachers here - the principal's being an exception, wore a casual attire. I was curious as to why there was, what I assumed, a whole in the corner of his plump, crimson lips. His dirty blonde hair was swept upwards slightly, although pushed to the side. He looked approximately mid-twenties, especially with the slight scruff which grazed his chin and cheeks.

I'd been told his name was Mr Hemmings. But, that's all I knew of this man, despite the new information of him appearing attractive.

"It's Miss Quinn Brindell, Mr Hemmings", I corrected.

"I don't exactly care about your name. I want to know what you're capable of", he retorted harshly, furrowing his brows.

"I'm capable of performing tasks required as long as they're on the file you've been given", I said. "My abilities aren't exactly limited"

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