Just a Colleague : Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty : Sickness & Soup

"Fucking fuck", I groaned quietly, clutching my head.

My head was throbbing, my palms working a sweat and my entire body was scorching. I felt as if I'd been burnt by a naked, blue flame all over. I hadn't a clue of why I felt like this, but I wanted to drown in an everlasting slumber and have the misfortune of the day drain away alongside whatever sickness I've been deemed with this morning.

I had woken up late, hence why I was staggering towards my door helplessly at 6am to greet Mr Hemmings. I twisted the door-knob and weakly pulled it open, my droopy eyes finding Mr Hemmings' own orbs.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Mr Hemmings murmured. "Fuck, you're not coming in today. Take me to your room and I'll help you"

"I'm fine, sir. I'll manage", I cleared my throat, straightening my posture ever so slightly, only to have my shoulders slump.

"No. Listen to me, sweetheart. Just do as I say", Mr Hemmings replied sternly.

I nodded, slowly, inchmeal with each step I took towards my room.

"Fucking hell, what did you do?" Mr Hemmings sighed. "You look like you've been hit by a fucking truck"

"I don't know sir", I groaned.

"This your room?" Mr Hemmings quizzed, stepping into it.

I softly nodded, afraid that the throbbing in my head would become worse if I were to do anything too fast.

"Lie down, sweetheart. I'll be back", Mr Hemmings had disappeared before I was able to utter a word, although he seemed to reappear just as quick. "I said lie down"

I complied slowly, burying myself beneath my blankets as Mr Hemmings sat by my bed, his sapphire orbs peering down upon my own. His large palm came to rest upon my forehead where he gently caressed.

"Fuck, you're sweltering", Mr Hemmings whispered.

I hummed inaudibly, my eyelids ghosting over in fatigue as my head continued to pound and throb. Occasionally, I would clench my eyes shut whenever the throb remained unbearable for seconds, a low moan leaving my lips at the agony.

"Hurts", I mumbled, whimpering quietly.

"I know sweetheart. It'll be better soon. I think you have a fever. I want you to rest up, don't move from your bed and keep this on your forehead until you fall asleep yeah? If it gets bad, call me, please. I'll come get you immediately, okay?" Mr Hemmings requested.

"Yes Mr Hemmings", I breathed out, completely jaded.

Mr Hemmings planted a delicate, sweet kiss to my forehead before spreading the cool material of a cloth across the searing skin. I sighed in relief, relaxing almost immediately as I curled further into my bed sheets.

"Alright sweetheart. Remember, call me if you need. Okay? For whatever reason", Mr Hemmings demanded quietly.

I nodded slightly, brushing my hand across his torso gently before he'd gained a stance.

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