Just a Colleague : Chapter 6

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Chapter Six : A Passion for Poetry

My entire weekend was quite uneventful. I had engrossed myself in studies and my own thoughts because I wanted the future within my teaching career to flourish into something healthy. I was determined for a positive, successful outcome, and I knew that if that were going to happen, I'd have to work for it. And work hard.

My mother's pep talk seemed to give me a kick up the ass and motivate me slightly, although it didn't alter the fact that I dreaded enduring everlasting, bitter hours with Mr Hemmings.

I sighed, incredulously rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I wandered up through the school building, sauntering straight towards Mr Hemmings' classroom, although I did greet Margarie.

"Have a lovely day", she had said thereafter our interaction before I continued.

I had two coffee's clutched in my hand.

Much like ever day now. I believed that Mr Hemmings expected this of me - to bring him coffee in the morning.

It did somewhat make me feel like a peasant considering that he never allowed for me to assist him in teaching, only if something had to be delivered to students or anyone in the admin block.

I sighed tentatively, debating on whether I shoulder enter the classroom right at this moment.

The school hallways were completely empty - a silence lapping at the walls which I seemed to loath. I had grown accustomed to the constant banter which replenished the halls after each lifeless hour of dusk and dawn.

"Mr Hemmings, I have your morning coffee", I cleared my throat, setting it down before him.

I eyed his attire, frowning once realising that it was different to his usual suit. It made him look much younger - more daring. The black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees reinforced his dominance.

I adored his new look, it was attractive, but it didn't help my situation because I didn't need an attractive teacher; but a dedicated teacher.

A plain coal-coloured shirt embosomed his torso, the sleeves clinging tightly to his forearm, stringing just past his elbow.

The golden-brown barnet which lathered his scalp was swooped to the side, although it still rose from his head, the hairline running to the beginning of his scruff.

"Thank you sweetheart. I'm pleased to figure that this has become a routine"

I was relieved to have enjoyed and cherished my slumber over the weekend, because I drowned in it, prepping for this week with Mr Hemmings - because I knew it'd be a long one, much like the ones to come.

I was far from drowsy.

"It's fine", I shrugged carelessly, deciding to disregard the pleasure it delivered to him.

I had somewhat gotten used to the pet-name. By now it didn't phase me the slightest, but it still hadn't grown on me and I completely doubted that it ever would.

"I've decided to let you teach this lesson, sweetheart. It's English and I'd like to see if you've picked anything up. I won't interrupt you, I will fight all of my urges and sit back. I will speak with you about how you went after class. But I'll pass you this now so you have an idea of how the lesson should flow"

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